FIEC are well-regarded locally but I would not call them capital-R reformed. AFAIK: they’re mostly independent, conservative, Baptist churches who parted company with the UK Baptist Union many a year ago; or what used to be referred to as the Open Brethren. So one is puzzled.
Guessing the ministries getting the money are similar in character and commitments to the rich Americans giving the money. Otherwise, the rich Americans wouldn’t give the money. Regardless of what else we are, nobody would deny American pragmatism.
So as they say, “Thems that pay the piper call the tune.” I have seen and heard nothing about or from UK reformed church officers that would lead me to believe they are less craven and inane than their benefactors. Love,
“Is not My word like fire?” declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 23:29)
California is a parable of the church and her pulpits: Fire & Church Reform - Bailiwick
This is a great encouragement! It seems the Lord is giving our country an opportunity to reform – I pray that the Lord works in our nation during Trump’s presidency to restore America’s good foundation that has been rapidly eroding.
No fan of embattled IU PresWhitten, but look at examples her enemies label “plagiarism” frm ChronHigherEd. Nothing orginal. Was she really supposed to use quote marks/citations for such boilerplate? Pettifoggers.
New Evangelicalism was never movement to liberalize Fundamentalist doctrine. Historians may try to tell us so, but Dad was there from beginning and told me, “We were all Fundamentalists.”
American church’s cancer is not liberal Evangelicals, but apostate Evangelicals.
Take sex, for instance: Elon Musk has a more Biblical doctrine of sex than Wheaton & PCA Evangelicals. It’s Musk we have to thank for PresTrump’s ExecOrder announcing govt will not talk abt “gender,” but “sex;” and that govt will only recognize two of them—male and female.
Calvin points out dressing contrary to one’s sex is immodesty violating 7th Commandment. Woman clothed as bishop is cosplay in violation of 7th Commandment.
This is part of the proclamation of God’s Law which is the schoolmaster leading sinners to Christ.
Christians are loathe to take clothes/hair/appearances at face value. A woman cultivates a butch presentation but Christians think it’s unkind to condemn her. Instead, they act as if they don’t notice.
But they do.
Gay/butch appearances crafted to shout rebellion against God should be taken seriously. Christians who act as if they don’t see and understand are liars.
The godly never pose as deaf, dumb, and blind.
PresTrump’s reform of our federal government is making fur fly. Reform is like chemotherapy and wildfire. Fires purify by consuming deadwood. When deadwood has been alllowed to accumulate, expect conflagrations.
Even most conservative Christians don’t realize greatest murder of babies done by hormonal birth control. One thing to preach against surgical/chemical abortions done at PP.
Something else entirely to preach against hormonal birth control done at home.
Gender is the subversion of sex. Gender is a social construct while sex is God-given and natural.
Gender dysphoria is an extremely contagious social disease very lucrative for doctors and professors, but it destroys our children.
As PresTrump says, “Stop it!”
Had I a penny for every Christian post abt food, diet, exercise, Covid, money, and politics—then subtracted a penny for every Christian post abt Scripture, God’s Law, Heaven, Hell, repentance, faith, and Jesus Christ—I’d still be filthy rich. Sure appears this world IS our home.