Bayly's daily

“Bishop Mariann,” meet “Mother Joseph.”

“Liberal Christian” is an oxymoron.

Christians abominate sodomy.


“They [the humans] think that they are finding their place in the world, when in reality the world is finding its place in them”. CS Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

This line of his has really stuck with me since I first read it as a teenager.

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Guess who just bought 200 radio stations around the country? Say, for instance, WORD 98.9 Talk Radio “Voice of the Carolinas” which carries Mark Levin.

George Soros.

Check out which stations:

Audio of “President Donald J. Trump: give God the glory”

Remember how David Daleiden/Sandra Merritt videotaped Planned Parenthood’s butchers secretly selling the body parts of the babies they had murdered? It broke in 2015 and, since then, Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress have been drowning under a bunch of court cases out in California brought by AG Kamala Harris.

God be praised! One of the many blessings from the election of PresTrump is the announcement yesterday that California is now dropping all their many prosecutions against Daleiden/Merritt/CMP.

This is wonderful news and would never have happened without our new presidential administration taking its strong stand against the rampant lawfare which for years has been a main tool of those whose morals consist of calling good “evil” and evil “good.” May God Himself rout them from our midst.

Now what is needed is Christians making undercover videos of church members buying hormonal birth control products and morning after pills at their Walmart or local drug store with the intent of causing the death of their unborn baby.

Gotchas with Planned Parenthood are helpful and important, but much more important is the ubiquitous practice of child murder within the church through the use of drugs which prevent the babies from attaching to their mother’s womb. This is what we who belong to Christ need to be grieving and preaching against—within the Church. Do it today. Save a child of the Covenant!

With love,


Men, there is always enough money, food, and love for another blessing from the Lord. Always.

Yes, we may have doubts and be given over to depression and fear when our beloved wife tells us God has given us another blessing in her womb, but welcome to fatherhood! What did you expect when you asked for her hand in marriage? A mutual admiration society with a couple children thrown in for the avoidance of boredom?

God blesses marital love with fruit and the more the merrier! So rejoice and don’t listen to all the (maybe jealous) naysayers whose deepest thoughts about marital love are concupiscent.

From the God of your father who helps you,
And by the Almighty who blesses you
With blessings of heaven above,
Blessings of the deep that lies beneath,
Blessings of the breasts and of the womb.(Genesis 49:25)


Mary Lee and I rejoice to announce the gift of another little blessing to our children (our 31st grandchild). Are we happy?

Well, 3 granddaughters were just over tapping/hanging buckets on seven of our sugar maples. A yearly tradition, yes we’re happy.


If u spend time on endless eschatologies, realize modern postmils equivocate when they tell you Old Princeton’s Warfield, Hodges were postmil. Back then amil didn’t exist—only premil or postmil.

Princeton resembled today’s amil. Today’s postmil resembles medieval millenarianism.


Latest podcast from Out of Our Minds

By definition, true and false prophets are at war.
Study Scripture to recognize the difference.
Examine the men vying for your attention.
Run from the prognosticator.
His dreams & visions are his own.

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From arrogance, a man stiffens his neck and refuses to repent.

“Yet they acted arrogantly and did not listen to Your commandments… And they turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck, and would not listen” (Nehemiah 9:29)

Husbands, fathers, pastors, and elders are responsible for kinwork. Not just wives, mothers, pastors and elders’ wives. The man who dismisses this as women’s work will fail as a husband, father, pastor, and elder. It's not ‘emotional labour’ - by Tiffany Watt Smith


Amen. The more men engage in this noble work, the sooner the feminist heresy will die. Kinwork is vital to true, godly father rule.

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If you’re a Christian who subscribes to NYT, don’t ever complain abt media lies. NYT is worst of worst.

Slaughter of babies has been Times’s most fundamental political commitment for many decades. Face it.

And you give them your money. Shame.

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I’d like to hear from Russ Moore/John Piper/neverTrumpers some thanks to God for PresTrump’s many righteous actions. Keep scorning the man and his voters if you like, but acknowledge the many good things he’s done none of us ever dreamed of.

Gratitude is humble and comely.


PresTrump reasserting authority over Kennedy Center. On X he explains: “Just last year, the Kennedy Center featured Drag Shows specifically targeting our youth — THIS WILL STOP.”

Yes, and thank God!


If you’re a pastor, elder, or mother in Israel, do subscribe


Thanks for sharing this!


Friday NIH put cap on funding research institutions’ ancillary expenses (staff/equip/facilities) of 15% grant total—@ 50% cut. Higher ed howling, but this lower rate is normal for non-governmental funding.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time…

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