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@Guardian never stops trying to shame Americans. Always trying to influence our elections and policies.
Editors are nagging nannies. Hey @guardian, take ur sniffles and hankies and go home. We don’t want you.
Instead of managing our forests or ensuring there is water to fight fires, we will just change the weather!
If ur day’s like ours, snow now very packable, it’s perfect snow conditions/day/time to do snowmen & build igloos/snow forts! Give ur children boxes/other things they can pack snow in to make large snowbricks, turn on hose/spray later this evening when it gets cold… Post pics.
Managing forests/wildfires is parable of church preaching & revival/reform. Keep preaching soft & likeable & church goes up in flames. Oppress Forest Service with environmental regs that keep them from doing controlled burns (sermons) & CA fires run wild. How Red Tape Strangled California Forest Management Before LA Fires - Newsweek
In an appeal for crusaders dated September 19, 1096, Pope Urban II promised potential crusaders if they took up the cross “not because they desire earthly profit but only for the salvation of their souls and the liberation of the Church, we… relieve them of all penance imposed for their sins…”
Across the centuries, crusaders fought because the popes promised them forgiveness of their sins. Think of this in the coming weeks as you read the news of India’s Hindu pilgrimage Maha Kumbh Mela where souls take the “holy dip” in river for forgiveness of sins.
No man has ever been saved by doing works that please God, whether bathing in a river or going on crusade or attending mass or eating and drinking the bread and cup. What does God Himself tell us concerning our wickedness and sin, and the guilt we carry for them?
“But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works: Blessed are those who lawless deeds have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account” (Romans 4:5-8).
Reading the history of crusades, it’s encouraging to note how kings to commoners shared deep conviction of sin and guilt as well as true fear of God’s judgment. But it is so tragic, noting how Rome kept those souls in bondage across the centuries, promising them salvation for going to war.
Rome is purely mercantile. Crusades were penance done in exchange for popes’ promise of salvation.
Do we think we need our guilt cleansed? Do we suffer under our sins and place our entire faith in Jesus Christ for our escape of God’s wrath against all our ungodliness? Or rather, is our guilt cosmic rather than personal? For so-called “systemic evils?” Maybe the extent of any sense of guilt in us is for that universal bogeyman “climate change?”
Oh the wickedness of Rome across the centuries, sending kings, knights, and commoners on crusade under the conviction that the pope told them the truth, and this was what a man must do to be saved.
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions. – Einstein
Is there any exception?
The Christian.
Amen. The progressives and socialists always seek to absolve their “systemic” guilt through political crusades. Now we too, tempted by the law of works, resort to schemes for restoring the “West”. As if all our sins could be expiated, and God’s wrath averted, in one fell swoop with the force of law, banishing DEI and reminding everyone that our money says “In God We Trust”. But God’s weakness is stronger than men, and our only hope for restoration is in repentance and faith toward Jesus.
Just watched sixty seconds of Hegseth hearing, then turned it off. Awful lack of forthrightness. Awful, and using the Name of God to cover it up and bluster his way through. That his pastor didn’t warn him to be truthful and forthright is obvious, and unconscionable.
Sen. Tim Kaine: “At that time, you were still married to your second wife, correct?”
Mr. Hegseth: Pause. Silence. Then, “Uh. I believe so.”
He’s hesitant. He’s not clear on it.
Christians must be humble and forthright when questioned concerning public sins
Over on Gab, readers are in fits over posts re Hegseth; and more specifically, excoriating the motives of Democrats’ questions during Mr. Hegseth’s hearing. I responded:
Listen, readers; the issue is most certainly not the character or motivations of the questioners—on either side. Both sides are pols and we know what to expect.
The issue is the Name of Jesus Christ being blasphemed by pagans watching the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ being used by a purported Christian to obfuscate his response to opportunities he’s presented on the widest public forum possible to proclaim the mercy of God in Jesus Christ that has been shown to him, a notorious sinner.
This is the tragedy of the hearing.
For many Christians, this is near the top of our favorite Scriptures:
“I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired men’” (Luke 15:18-19).
HigherEd’s house organ, “ChronicleHigherEd,” having a fit: “Congressional Republicans have reintroduced legislation that would prohibit transgender girls and women from playing on school and college sports teams that align with their gender identity.”
Yes. This is good. It is kindness to both transgendered and woman athletes. #malefemale
Hard to overstate tragic fruit of emotional, sexual, physical sins against children. Part of what we must recognize is that these sins are stumbling blocks to the children, leading them into sin, themselves. Child corrupters corrupt children, and thus Jesus’ most fearful warning:
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it is better for him if a millstone turned by a donkey is hung around his neck, he has been thrown into the sea" (Mark 9:42).
Love to see Vatican summary of Protestant competition/threat following Worms/Luther
On the morals of PresTrump’s cabinet nominees, this man worked for years building George Soros’s billion$ and is married to a man.