“What country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?” -President Thomas Jefferson
Historians typically write abt kings/generals/aristocrat. Not commoners. Downton Abbey’s history commoners want.
The truth is 1776 was birthed by commoners. Adams, Jefferson, Madison rode swift/surging current of commoners. For Jan6 perspective on U.S.: Amazon.com
Fire in fireplace, Nana’s cocoa, molasses cookies, dryer running w/snow pants/coats/gloves/socks, babies crawling, country music, >35 kids and parents/neighbors sledding. Nana sledding.
Snow days—one of God’s finest creations!
It is impossible to understand the Jan 6 riot outside of the context of how the normal Trump voter saw the BLM riots just a few months prior. Our elites either don’t understand this (because they have no idea how normal Americans saw the BLM riots) or pretend not to understand this because they are guilty over how their promotion of riots they like led in part to a riot they didn’t like.
When normal Americans talk about January 6, the BLM riots are almost always in view. When our elites discuss J6, the BLM riots go straight down the memory hole.
There ain’t a more joyful chaos than that Long live snow days!
So, in both the BLM riots of 2020 and January 6th, it came from groups who both felt that their concerns were not being listened to?
Oh, certainly. In one sense, MLK’s observation that “a riot is the language of the unheard” is trivially true. If a would-be rioter could get what he wanted by calling the NYT editorial desk or his congressman, he’d do that instead.
But if that were all there is to the story, various groups would riot every day. It’s important to understand that any particular group of would-be rioters also has to believe that rioting will result in a redress of their particular grievances.
America spent months in 2020 watching political, religious, media and business leaders literally kneel before violent BLM rioters. The whole country apparently bent around their wants and demands. The violent rioters got off basically scot-free. Certainly there was no ongoing federal effort to bring rioters to justice, including for some pretty awful crimes like besieging police stations and courthouses.
So it seemed like rioting was a pretty good way for groups to get heard by political, religious, media and business elites in America. Do you think any of that was front-of-mind for the crowds gathered in DC on January 6th? I certainly do, and most normal Americans I talk to about J6 think so also.
The fact that this was an idiotically naïve way to view the BLM riots is beside the point. The BLM riots of 2020 were the backdrop for the J6 riots. American elites made the bed and now the political prisoners of January 6th lie in it.
Group leading the decline of students in higher ed is white students. (Chronicle of Higher Ed)
Well, somewhat. You might well read the history of the founding and leadership of BLM to understand how wicked it was. Even those of us who are Christian and oppose racism, vocally, have almost no sympathy for the BLM protests/riots. Read up on the details and compare them to white and hispanic shootings.
There were criminal acts committed on Jan6, but as I said on another social, it’s rare for any protests to avoid lawbreakers taking part.
God is to be obeyed.
God made each of us male or female.
Do not rebel against who God made you.
Obey your sex.
A Christian brother wasn’t pleased with my posts yesterday indicating I’ve come to consider the Jan6 protest a helpful national emetic. Disliked my comparison between the response of Democrats presiding over our justice system to Jan6/PresTrump and their response to BLM/PresBiden/SecClinton, saying “spare me the whataboutism.”
In this he’s wrong. Lady Justice must wear a blindfold. When she takes it off, it’s necessary to point that out. Comparisons help us form judgments.
Concerning this case of comparisons, remember that equal treatment under the law is fundamental to the rule of law. When we compare Democrats’ response to Jan6 with their response to BLM; their response to PresTrump with their response to PresBiden/SecClinton; it’s like watching an NFL game and noting how the home team is being allowed to play while the visiting team is on a short leash or choke-chain.
Democrats holding office in the judiciary have been frothing at the mouth in pursuit of Jan6 protesters and PresTrump while being pleased with—or at a minimum, disinterested in— PresBiden/SecClinton/BLM.
If the rule of law is to be defended, we the people must recognize and condemn this disparity in our justice system. Those who abuse their authority to commit such violations of the rule of law must be punished.
When doing so, though, it should be clear our punishing this injustice is not in any way saying “yes” to the crimes which have been committed.
In the U.S. today, inequality under the law is clear. Unless it is condemned and disciplined, it will result in even greater lawlessness.
Scripture decrees when ox gores & kills a man, the ox is to be stoned. But if the ox has been known to gore, his owner is to be executed. (Exodus 21:28-29)
This on the news that four children were sledding at local Christian school yesterday when they were bitten by the neighbor’s pit bull. Reportedly, the dog wasn’t killed, nor removed from the owner’s property.But you should see Bloomington’s brand spanking new animal shelter. No expense spared.
In cases like this, the police should be called and protect the children by shooting the rampaging dog. If the police are too tender to do it, the animal control women should be called to back up the men, and they should impound the dog, then drug it. After which the owner should pay a hefty fine.
If/when our civil authorities refuse to protect their citizens from rampaging pit bulls, then the parents should sue both the city and the owner. Seriously, and this from a man who doesn’t approve of most lawsuits.
Why do I say these things?
Because our nation has reversed God’s Creation Order: animal eats man rather than man eats animal.
(CORRECTION: school was not in session.)
When we rebel against God’s authority, we abandon His protection and become subject to man’s power, alone. Out with right and wrong, good and evil. In with might makes right.
Marriages and families in which the husband and father doesn’t exercise the authority God has delegated to him are never marriages and homes where no one rules.
Rather, rule is established by tantrums, lies, and manipulation, and it is oppressive.
Voted for PresCarter, but oh my. Not watching, but this report of funeral from son-in-law: “Pastor thanks Almighty God for Jimmy Carter… next words sung by Garth Brooks and his wife, ‘Imagine there’s no heaven…’ Followed by the Lord’s Prayer.”
Blasphemy very much in line with America’s civil religion.
The late President’s Carter Center statement when Roe v. Wade was reversed: “The Carter Center is deeply disappointed with today’s Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe vs. Wade …denying them the right to make their own health-care decisions.” Statement from The Carter Center on the Overturning of Roe v. Wade
PresCarter’s favorite song sung by Garth Brooks and his wife at funeral is Lennon’s “Imagine.” Christians never listen to this anthem of atheists. Eternally tragic that this was PresCarter’s faith:
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today…
Brautigan foresaw AI ushering in the millennium:
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace
by Richard Brautigan
I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.
I like to think
(right now, please!)
of a cybernetic forest
filled with pines and electronics
where deer stroll peacefully
past computers
as if they were flowers
with spinning blossoms.
I like to think
(it has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.
School shooters and sex: God’s 6th and 7th Commandments
“Open the pod door, HAL”.
“I’m sorry Tim. I can’t do that”.
If you want what you know from experience to be confirmed by “scientism,” here’s a study concluding maleness or femaleness of brain is different from the womb:
“Our findings demonstrate that sex differences in brain structure are already present at birth and remain comparatively stable during early postnatal development, highlighting an important role of prenatal factors in shaping sex differences in the brain.”
So now, will medical ghouls take money to cut out male or female characteristics of brain? They demand money to prescribe hormones and do mastectomies. Why not take money to change brains, surgically removing females’ excess of grey matter and males’ excess of white matter?
One of study’s co-authors is quick to assure academic colleagues and government authorities: “These differences do not imply the brains of males and females are better or worse.”