Bayly's daily

“According to internal USMX documents, the average full-time ILA dockworker in New York/New Jersey under the previous contract made $350,000 per year, and in Norfolk, Virginia, they made an average of $200,000.”

A former car knocker/air brakeman for Chicago & North Western, and thus a member of National Brotherhood of Railway Workers, I’ve seen it from the inside and I’m opposed.

There was a time when unions were needed, but that was a loooong time ago.

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I’m in the wrong business.

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“Combining artificial wombs with other fast-moving reproductive technologies such as cloning or artificial gametogenesis could mean both the creation and birth of humans outside the womb. And while there are currently regulatory barriers to many such reproductive technologies, as human embryos cannot be cultured beyond 14 days in most countries according to international guidelines (and national laws, in the case of the UK) — there have been calls to relax this limit.”

The leader of this research is Children’s Hospital of Phildelphia, where C. Everett Koop presided as (Pediatric) Surgeon in Chief for decades before co-authoring “Whatever Happened to the Human Race” with Francis Schaeffer.

Not illegal immigration. Immoral emigration.

US women sell babies to Chinese who choose the sex and, in the bargain, the babies come w/American citizenship.

Google/Meta etc. pay employees $80k to help them purchase these babies from baby breeders.

Had Google produce podcast on Sherwood’s 1776 sermon, “The Church’s Flight into the Wilderness: An Address on the Times” dedicated to John Hancock—who was present. After listening, I think I’d title it “CN for Homeschoolers.”

Surrogacy is child trafficking.

Meanwhile international adoption is essentially illegal worldwide.


Google just produced an AI podcast review of our Evangel Presbytery book, “Abortion and the Church.” Check it out

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The Cosmo writer who admitted to writing essentially propagandistic fiction about the sexual revolution has made me pretty jaded about the authenticity of these sorts of articles.

A queer dominatrix surrogate who has her own children and loves being pregnant…really?

And yet, if this is the best they can do when making it up, or - even worse - supposing it is legit, this industry is utterly horrifying.

Sounds exactly like NPR

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Precisely this sort of woman who would sell herself as a baby mill. Globally, in 2018 it was $6 bil industry. By 2023 it was $18 bil. Forbes estimates it will be $129 bil by 2032.

Sure, it seems negative/depressing to keep up w/ Canaanites replacing motherhood w/plastic and hired wombs, but we Christians must know wickedness we live in. Otherwise, how r we to open up sin & God’s holiness so they may repent & believe?

Love your neighbor.

German regulators just pronounced it acceptable to use heretofore English punctuation mark Germans have long referred to as “Deppenapostroph,” or “idiot’s apostrophe,” as long as it’s only used w/proper name—e.g., “Tim’s post”.

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Around 1980, people around the world began speaking of “human flourishing.” In 2000, the frequency of the phrase’s use in media flourished exponentially

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PresBiden tells us White House isn’t causing these weather catastrophes. Republican misinformation. Republicans lie.

Actually, these weather catatrosphes r caused by “Climate Change”; by Republicans’ internal combustion engines & gas stoves. No, the government is not controlling the weather. "It's so stupid, it's got to stop," Biden says - CBS News

During elections, Joe Sobran used to say he was most pleased if one party won Congress and the other the White House. Governmental paralysis was his highest hope.

On the other hand, that was back when the real governmental authority wasn’t the judiciary and Security State.

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I can think of few things more sad and hurtful than a son being left out of his father’s obituary. Surely no father would ask his wife and family to do this to any son, let alone an honorable one who lives for Christ and has sons of his own. Could it possibly be an oversight?

W/out naming him, readers might write a comment expressing comfort to this dear Christian brother whom I’ve known and loved for decades. He will remain nameless.

George Orwell: “Bad writers …are nearly always haunted by the notion that Latin or Greek words are grander than Saxon ones.”

Always disliked Classical education’s habit of peppering their English with Latin. Grammatical rouge.


Speaking of language, fascinating piece on what English might rather have been. Some great alternatives, including breastwhelm for grief, wedbreach for divorce, and birther for foetus A language of beautiful impurity - by Ed West

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Every Christian (especially pastors) should read this piece which just ran in “Foreign Affairs”:

"Although few yet see it coming, humans are about to enter a new era of history. Call it ‘the age of depopulation.’ For the first time since the Black Death in the 1300s, the planetary population will decline. But whereas the last implosion was caused by a deadly disease borne by fleas, the coming one will be entirely due to choices made by people.

“…A revolutionary force drives the impending depopulation: a worldwide reduction in the desire for children." The Age of Depopulation

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I guess President Obama is a birther, along with the rest of us. We’re all birthers.