Kamala still has some way to go to match British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. She was known to friend and foe alike as, “Attila the Hen”.
Do you know what pablum is? If you ever consume Christians writing on social media, you must.
Discipline yourself to eat meat. Start with Daddy Tried, then The Grace of Shame followed by Elders Reformed.
Seriously: Amazon.com: Tim Bayly: books, biography, latest update
PresTrump is no saint, but there’s a good reason the Deep State and their Chattering Class patrons despise him. They hate him with a perfect hatred.
VPHarris is the enemy of life, liberty, happiness. She despises God’s Moral Law and The Lord Jesus Christ.
Voting is easy
Every “Pridefest” is an act of defiance against Almighty God Who, from the beginning, made your either male or female. So said Jesus.
Obey your sex. God commanded it. If you rebel against your sex, you declare God your enemy.
Submit to Him. He’ll win. https://bloomingtonian.com/2024/09/15/gallery-bloomington-pridefest-2024/
If you live in the Cincy metro area, switch to Christ Church. No blowhards. No glitz. No flattery. Just Biblical preaching and pastoral care. You need it. Your family needs it. Trust me. Preached there today.
Go next Lord’s Day https://christchurchcincy.com/
“Gay pride” is an oxymoron. Christians should not get irritated, but respond, “Not pride, but shame. God is not mocked.”
Try it out. Today. Be salt. Be light. Preach the Gospel.
Blowhards, hipsters, and flatterers are perfect descriptors for the false shepherd warnings across the pages of Scripture, and thus still today. Some guy asked me to single such pastors and churches out for him in Cincy and I responded, “There are tons of them—just look and listen.”
The man who thinks warnings about false shepherds are needed less today than across past centuries is sinfully complacent and cannot protect his own soul, let alone the souls in his family.
Wake up your discernment, men! It’s one of the fruits of sanctification, but it only comes by patience and hard work. See Hebrews. #falseshepherds
Founding Revoice Vice President, Stephen Moss, is a ReThink teacher. ReThink sells itself as Evangelicalism’s last best hope to keep youth in churches in St. Louis.
My former parishioner, Mike Farley, along with Moss got his MDiv at the Presbyterian Church in America’s Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. Farley too is one of Rethink’s teachers.
What does one of Revoice’s founders teach for Rethink?
Moss’s seminar is titled, “ReThink The Birds & The Bees Theology of the body, basic biology, & human flourishing.”
Do I wish I could send my grandchildren to anything Rethink does?
Everything goes bad when men start another “ministry” that promises parents they are expert in “keeping youth in the church.”
Recently told pastor friend that reformed dudes should stop yip-yapping about their views on apologetics and actually do some. You know, actually confess their faith to pagans.
He responded “Apologetics aren’t for unbelievers. They’re for Christians—to firm up their faith.”
What a relief. Apologetics “done” within the safe confines of St. Louis churches with kids whose parents are paying you to tell their teenage sons and daughters what pagans Out There believe, then to feed their kids pat answers.
Well, that has this recommending it. Such apologetics certainly won’t get you fired from any job, nor even hated by anyone at all. It’s done in privacy—away from the enemy.
The Church now is a huge machine suppressing all danger. There are no martyrs because there is no preaching repentance and no salty confession anywhere near the public square.
Too Dangerous. Instead reassure their mothers by sacramentalism paired with your worldview camps teaching how to have “better conversations.”
You know, I’ve seen many young men and women stay in the Church, and I’ll let you in on a secret. Young men and women hate to be cosseted. Give em danger. Repentance. Church discipline. The Purpose | Rethink 315 Apologetics
I would be pleased if any Sanityville denizen would show us a link where they are confessing our Christian faith and taking hits for it. Anyone. Anywhere.
This is Wheaton College today, from their Anderson Commons billboard.
Under the presidency of PCA teaching elder Phil Ryken, the campus is repenting of “toxic masculinity.”
What makes masculinity toxic?
No, not abuse of authority, but authority itself. The authority of God the Father placed in the male of the species.
Do we rejoice in the truth? If so, it should sadden us that several hundred of the words “man” and “men” were removed from the RSV by the ESV. The ESV men were deathly afraid of their product being accused of promoting “toxic masculinity.”
Running scared of Trueman/Goligher declaring you a heretic?
The Father is the “beginning of the whole divinity,” says Augustine; “the source” of Son and Spirit, says Gregory Nazianzen; the “cause of the Son,” says John of Damascus; “the principle of the Son,” says Thomas Aquinas; the “origin” of Son and Spirit, says Calvin; the “fountain of deity,” says Richard Hooker; “first in order,” says Jonathan Edwards. Ordered relationships within the Trinity are as strongly affirmed by the orthodox tradition as equality is. -Steven B. Boyer
Feminists r opposed to fathers’ authority only in derivative way. God the Father Almighty has always been the true focus of their hatred.
We’re succumbing to their threats and blandishments. Just notice how rare it is in Biblical churches for prayers to address God “Father.” #OrthodoxTrintarianism
Men, have faith and be salty, then show us what happens. We will strengthen you. Comfort you.
That’s been the entire point of my work online for over twenty years. To get Christian brothers to confess what they believe out there in public.
Love you all. Truly. Be strong.
In terms of confessing Christ, here’s an example which is sticking with me:
… But, nevertheless, closing remarks means you have to say your closing remarks. I don’t know what to talk about anymore, your honour. If you want I’ll talk to you about God and salvation. I’ll turn up the volume of heartbreak to the maximum, so to speak. The fact is that I am a Christian, which usually rather sets me up as an example for constant ridicule in the Anti-Corruption Foundation, because mostly our people are atheists and I was once quite a militant atheist myself. But now I am a believer, and that helps me a lot in my activities, because everything becomes much, much easier. I think about things less. There are fewer dilemmas in my life, because there is a book in which, in general, it is more or less clearly written what action to take in every situation. It’s not always easy to follow this book, of course, but I am actually trying. And so, as I said, it’s easier for me, probably, than for many others, to engage in politics.
A man recently wrote to me, ‘Why does everyone write to you, “Hold on, don’t give up, be patient, grit your teeth?” What do you have to tolerate? You kind of said in the interview that you believe in God. The Bible says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Well, that’s just great for you, isn’t it!” And I thought, how well this man understands me! Because it’s not that I’m fine, but I’ve always thought that this particular commandment is more or less an instruction to activity. And so, while certainly not really enjoying the place where I am, I have no regrets about coming back, or about what I’m doing. It’s fine, because I did the right thing. On the contrary, I feel a real kind of satisfaction. Because at some difficult moment I did as required by the instructions, and did not betray the commandment.*
And there’s one more important thing. Without question, this whole Biblical passage– “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied” – comes across as overly theatrical to modern ears. It is assumed that people who say such things are crazy, not to put too fine a point on it – crazy oddbods who sit there alone in their rooms with dishevelled hair, attempting to cheer themselves up by any means possible, because they are lonely and not needed by anyone. This is the key point. Our authorities and the system as a whole try to tell these people that they are pathetic loners.
Oh, and the man saying this was someone called Alexei Navalny. The full quote can be found here: Aleksei Navalny’s closing remarks in court: Russia will be happy. - Rights in Russia
CORRECTION: In an earlier post, I was wrong saying that Gordon MacDonald had an adulterous relationship for “three years.” The relationship was only from 1984 to 1985. I apologize for the error.
Remembering when the president of Inter-Varsity, Gordon MacDonald, was found out to have been having a three-year adulterous relationship, and was fired.
At the same time, my dear wife commented that she thought MacDonald was much worse than another pastor, not of reformed doctrine, who had just been discovered to have had adulterous behavior of a different sort than MacDonald. It was the pentecostal very-public celebrity preacher Jimmy Swaggart.
He’d been involved in adultery of a gritty sort, in his hotel rooms, and my wife’s comment was MacDonald was so much worse.
Her response shocked me. No proper Evangelical had any slightest sympathy for Swaggart. Look him up and see why. He was, shall we say, gauche.
She explained. “Swaggart didn’t maintain his adulterous relationship for three years, lying to everyone.”
Learned a lesson from my wife—a lesson I’ll never forget.
It’s all so sad. Lord, protect us from our pride and lust. None of us are above desiring what King David committed. Not even his murder of a righteous man. May Liam Goligher and Steve Lawson come to repentance. Let us all pray for this.
Lord, have mercy
Headline today in Chronicle, “Where humanities programs are thriving.” Sigh of relief. Maybe we’re finally done with “flourishing.”
Now then, on to “robust.” Leave it to philosophers.
CORRECTION: In an earlier post, I was wrong saying that Gordon MacDonald had an adulterous relationship for “three years.” The relationship was only from 1984 to 1985. I apologize for the error.
Have you ever read Navalny’s Christian testimony given in the Russian court who sentenced him to the Gulag? If not, you must: Aleksei Navalny's closing remarks in court: Russia will be happy. - Rights in Russia