Bayly's daily

When famous Christians sin, why do they always double down? Alistair should just say “Thank you for the correction. I was wrong.” Simple.

But no. Alistair is now making his sin a principle b/c he’s sure he’s wise leader of rapprochement between Christ and Culture. #alistairbegg

What sheep need to understand abt shepherds is the constant pull they feel between fearing God and man, between preaching for God or preaching for approval and security. The battle for the shepherd’s conscience is never over. Pray for your pastor. #goodshepherd


One response to Wheaton College president’s trashing of the Fox News oped piece warning Wheaton’s left Scripture behind:

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For some historical context for Wheaton College’s present crisis:"Wheaton+College"


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Someone just posted this guy on my X page. Never seen it. Racism is real & evil, but this Wheaton prof is just a racist. Cheap race-monger w/large vocab. He’s also unhinged against Biblical sexuality.


I’d been considering transferring to Wheaton in 2020, was accepted between semesters, almost went through with it. Prof. Cartenga’s faculty page was the first sign I had that there was significant rot in the walls. Reading the Twitter feed of Amy Peeler (also mentioned in this article) convinced me to avoid the place.


Wheaton’s '64 Tower summarized how outsiders viewed Wheaton: “From afar Wheaton appears to them as a Christian finishing school, the apex of cultured intellectual orthodoxy, a first-rate educational institution with all the dangers removed.” @WheatonCollege

“With all the dangers removed.” Nope, but just the opposite.

Dad would say “At Christian colleges you don’t know who the enemy is, but at secular schools it’s clear.”

Since the seventies, Wheaton College has systematically refused to discipline their profs. Bilezikian was absolutely notorious in his sins, but he was never fired. In fact, they made him emeritus. But in the end, his victims shamed Wheaton into removing that from him.

Why is it always the victims who have to do the dirty work?@WheatonCollege

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No. The end of our democracy—or rather, the end of our rule of law—was the day we made it legal to slaughter our babies. We’ve been falling off the cliff ever since. Our blood-soaked ground cries out to God for justice. #nounionwithabortionists

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Since speaking at a conference with him, I’ve always done my best to avoid Alistair. But today, a pertinacious commenter forced me to read what Begg said in his doubling down on telling a grandmother to go to her granddaughter’s lesbian wedding.

In his sermon, Begg says:

“I’ve lived here for forty years, and those who know me best know that when we talk theology, when we talk stuff, I’ve always said I am a little bit out of sync with the American evangelical world, for this reason: that I am the product of British evangelicalism, represented by John Stott, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Eric Alexander, Sinclair Ferguson, Derek Prime. I am a product of that. I have never been a product of American fundamentalism. I come from a world in which it is possible for people to actually grasp the fact that there are nuances in things.”

My dear Alistair, speaking to my own I’m a product of and love, do allow me to bypass nuance for Yankee forthrightness; for fundamental truth.

Alistair’s just a snob doing what UKers never stop doing, which is biting the hand that feeds them.

Brits despise Americans, but the money is so very good. Thus they belly up to the American church and take their money, then loathe themselves even more.

But as they haul in their haul, every now and then their self-loathing peeks its ugly head out. They can’t help it.

Honestly, the above statement by Alistair is what people should note carefully.

Leave Alistair to himself. Let him feed his fat oxen. But you yourself, find a humble man to feed from.

Of men like Alistair, note Samuel Johnson’s warning: “It might as well be said, ‘Who drives fat oxen should himself be fat.’”


BTW, the milking of tall-steeple churches by UKers here in America should be recognized for what it is: neocolonialism.


Joel Belz, 1941-2024.

Joel was a publisher, but he was more a churchman. This is a rare identity, today. It wasn’t any desire on his part to be any ecclesiastical player, but simply to love and serve the Bride of Christ. His work for the Church flowed from his call to shepherd God’s flock, one by one.

Joel was willing to make enemies for the sake of conscience, and did so opposing the neutering of Scripture, racism within the church, the slaughter of the unborn, the promotion of sexual perversion; the list could go on, but it was never any “culture war.” It was simply his deep knowledge and affirmation of his call received from the Lord to spread His authority and rule over every square inch of this good earth.

This world is poorer for his loss. May the Holy Spirit comfort his wife, Carol, his family, and his church.



Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia Presbytery (PCA), and Wheaton College; lessons to be learned

Are you happy defying God Who “from the beginning made (you) male and female?” Do you feel better, now? Are you proud of your achievement? Will you be able to stand in that awful Day of Judgement?

Come to Jesus. Repent and believe. #malefemale Survey of 90,000 trans people shows increased life satisfaction after transition

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AI-generated portraits by state as Europeans think of it: Indiana (Europeans have never heard of Bloomington)


AI-generated portraits by state as Europeans think of it: Wisconsin (they got our number)


AI-generated portraits by state as Europeans think of it: Oregon (State of nation or state of being?)


Luther: "Let afflictions and adversities come therefore as the Lord shall be pleased to appoint them to each of us, whether they be the sweat of the home rule, of the state rule, or of the Church rule; we will not suffer ourselves to be moved by them to impatience.

“We will not cast aside our home duty, or our state duty, or our Church duty. Such woman-like weakness as this becometh not brave soldiers.” #goodshepherd


A little too much Wes Anderson influence in the Indiana one.

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Special Counsel Robert Hur declines to charge President Biden for mishandling classified documents w/explanation President Biden is an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

Sorry. Help me, please. He’s not subject to the stipulations of the 25th Ammendment? Lunacy.

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