Bayly's daily

Don’t fear man. Jesus knew hatred/opposition, but He spoke. The Apostle Paul knew hatred/opposition, but he spoke. He said, “death works in us, but life in you… We believe, therefore we also speak.” (2Cor 4:13) #confessChrist

Mayor of Smiths Station, LA, and Southern Baptist pastor Bubba Copeland repeats lie Satan tells each of us: “What I do in private life has nothing to do with what I do in my holy life."

Brothers, we must plug our ears to his lies. #goodshepherd

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We’re uncomfortable naming names, but let me plead w/readers to read & forward our posts on Wheaton College’s denunciation of J. Oliver Buswell, Jr.

CRT and Wokeness are not out in the world. They’re in the Church and there’s much to learn from specificity Wheaton College denounces J. Oliver Buswell Jr. Archives - Warhorn Media

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Brothers, if Sanityville is unconcerned with the slander of Buswell, I find myself wondering what I’m doing posting here? Have any of you read the posts? Have any of you done what you can to share the load? Do you think our months of work on this matter are irrelevant? Inconsequential?

Sweating profusely while heaving bales into the hay wagon, I’m getting about as much strength from you as I got during our years of work on Revoice.

Do help me understand. Sorry to be so direct and personal, but with love,

I have read most of your series (I may have skipped one). I can say it doesn’t resonate with me much. I am very distant from Wheaton. I may have met a Wheaton grad once, but I can’t think when. I had never heard of Buswell until you started writing.

It certainly looks like Buswell has been done very dirty by the current Wheaton crew. I will admit to being biased against anything that even smells woke at this point, and similarly very biased against canceling our fathers, even the ones who are actually guilty of what they are accused of, which Buswell isn’t.

I’ll say that your comparison to Revoice is apt: In both cases it looks like you got ‘em and got ‘em good. But I’m not quite sure how to apply it to my life.

I saw Covenant Theological Seminary’s logo on something here locally today, and after double-checking that it was the same CTS, I was able to draw some conclusions. I wouldn’t have been able to do that without your exposure of Revoice. Maybe that counts as an application to my life.

Stepping back a little, I think a lot of times bloggers are discouraged when their biggest, most heavily-researched items go with few comments, and silly things they toss off when breakfast is in the microwave get engagement for weeks. It’s a complaint I’ve heard numerous times. But I think it’s mistaken for a couple of reasons: One, I think commenters get intimidated by heavily-reported pieces. Are even those here with close connections to Wheaton going to be able to make many comments about letters to/from/about Dr. Buswell? I doubt it. You’ve covered the field and not left a lot of room for the peanut gallery. I think that’s actually a good thing for serious topics like this or Revoice. Two, oftentimes the controversy is what drives the comments and engagement. I personally didn’t find anything to dispute with either this or your Revoice work. I suspect others are in that same boat. The folks likely to find fault with what you are saying simply aren’t in this forum and aren’t likely to join simply to dispute with you on these topics. Again, I don’t think this is a bad thing, even though it feels discouraging to you who spent hours and hours making a defense of a man dear to you.

I did appreciate the proverb you chose as a theme for the series. Loyalty is a precious virtue in these benighted times.


Tim - one thing I’ve since heard about Wheaton (and from a reliable source) is that its student numbers are well down; my contact thought, “too woke for its historic clientele, too conservative for the woke lobby”. Something about being neither hot nor cold comes to mind …

Seconding John. I’ve read them but I feel unqualified to remark on it. And I’m not good about saying thank you. Thank you for the research and especially presenting the relevant quotes and documents and family history. My hope is that I can point a Wheaton grad or two to your series if the topic comes up.


Thanks. You’re right; that’s what I’ve been struggling with and your corrections are helpful.

To say a bit more, the day I wrote the above, two days prior I’d spilled water on my MacBook Pro. Had shaken the water off immediately, and dabbed it drops off the keyboard. It wasn’t a lot of water, but when I woke up the next morning, laptop was fried. I worked with it for a lot of the day, trying to warm it up in hopes the insides would dry out, but no.

Eventually gave up and started deciding which new computer to buy. It came down to new 14 inch 2023 M3 almost identical to what I fried or 15 inch 2022 Air. Similarly configured, though, they were almost the same price with the new one having longer battery life and twice the nits (which is important to me). But getting the M3 meant waiting a day before Best Buy would let me take it home (bought it 6th but had to pick it up 7th).

In the middle of this, I’d flooded the back side of the house and had to clean that all up.

When I got the new laptop home, I spent a couple hours trying to figure out how to restore from my iDrive account. Finally pushed a button and after 16 minutes it reported it had copied about 5 gigs from the cloud and only had 750 gigs to go.

What on earth?

I sat there and thought and thought and read and read. I’d only had a 512 gig hard drive and only 370 gigs on it used, so how on earth would a backup program’s restore be 760 gigs?

After stewing on it even more, I called Son Joseph. He laughed. “I knew you’d be calling today.”

So for the next don’t-know-how-many hours, beloved Joseph helped me. First I downloaded TeamViewer, then he took over and I read and watched. After a loong deep dive, he found iDrive’s system incomprehensible. They said you could restore, they had a restore feature that allows you to restore a “snapshot” from this or that day—you can select which day—but whatever we planned to do appeared to need 760 gigs to complete the restore.

Finally got on iDrive’s chat and talked to the usual (aaarggghhh!) tech support ESL dude overseas for 45 mins. He kept telling us “that feature not is available” whenever we asked to be able to restore our computer from this or that date, (including the day before the computer fried).

Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. In the end we found out it was true. The reason iDrive gets good reviews is that no one has ever tried to use them to restore their crashed disk. We all keep getting reports every day reassuring us that our backup ten minutes ago was successful, and one we go paying our subscription fee.

Warn everyone you know to get rid of iDrive. What they do is keep pouring every file from your computer in a big bucket. Then, when you ask for a restore, they turn that bucket upside down and pour it all into your computer. Indiscriminately. You can’t do any restore. It’s impossible. My 350 gigs had morphed into 760 gigs and they were 16 mins into pouring that 760 gigs into my new computer—which only has 512 gigs available!

So yesterday I took a day off from computer and drove to Wisconsin and back (I’m up writing in lower Michigan) to visit friend who’s likely not long for the world, stopping at the new Wheaton library with changed signage now labelling it "Library. There I took maybe my first solo selfie before doing some stuff there for the Buswell series.

This morning I’m back and now getting to work. Joseph has spent many more hours helping me restore some things to my computer, but there’s much work to go. Thank you, brothers, for listening. Maybe you can understand a little better my demoralized state the past couple days. But do, if you can, pray for me.

If you’re interested, here’s my first selfie ever:


It also feels a bit wrong to ‘love’ a post like Revoice or Buswell.

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Ugh, what a mess. It’s amazing how powerful these tools are and what a hassle they can be at the same time.

I have prayed that the Lord would encourage and strengthen you.

Regarding backups, I spent some time 12 or so years ago to set up a consumer-grade NAS device on my home network and get my two or so computers backing up to it. What a hassle! The backup software that came with the NAS was terrible: clunky, buggy. It just didn’t seem like that difficult a problem. That particular NAS kept quietly going offline, so I bought another of a different brand about two years later. It had approximately the same problems: different but still clunky, buggy backup software and it would silently blip offline and not reboot or notify. I just gave up on the whole thing.

Now I pay for Dropbox’s lowest paid tier and just save important stuff to my Dropbox folder. It works great, and isn’t really a “backup” in the sense that I never need to “restore” it, just install Dropbox on a computer and my files are all where I want them to be.

Yeah, I almost pulled the same trigger a few years ago, but felt like it would be less than straightforward in its installation, but also need tweaking as the years went by. Like search, backup has gotten worse over the past twenty years. For many years used mirrors on Syquest and HDs which were bootable, keeping one at home and one at work. Worked perfectly, but in time, Apple pretty much killed bootable mirrors, so that even though I coud go back to Carbon Copy Cloner, I don’t trust Apple to leave it alone any more. Thrice burned thrice shy.

PS: Grateful for your prayer.

Rome now says trans may be baptized/godparents/etc, adding coyly: “when the sacrament is received without repentance for serious sins, the subject does not receive sanctifying grace.” Same appeasement as PCA/Revoice. Orthodox RCs know Rome is burning


Well duh. What happens when u weaponize rule of law against ur political opponents. From b4 Trump was inaugurated, libs frothing at mouth left rule of law behind. They’ve sown the wind, and now… Next up? Coups and guerrilla warfare

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Democrats have sown the political and societal wind by refusing to discipline their members for violating black-letter law for at least as long as I’ve been an adult. Bill Clinton committed perjury and not one single Senate Democrat voted to convict him at his impeachment trial.

Hillary Clinton’s email scandal was the sort of thing that would have had any Air Force Lt. Col. or DoD contractor in Leavenworth still. Never mind all the influence-peddling stuff that had less clear evidence but was a lot more serious. (Of course, in all likelihood, the influence peddling was linked to the emails.)

Joe Biden is obviously the most personally corrupt person to hold the office of President in 100 years, at least. Everyone knows that as long as there are 41 Democrats in the Senate, he will never be removed.

Ruling classes all live above the law to some extent. They have to. But well-run ruling classes discipline venal and blatant abuses of power (like the above-mentioned cases) on their own. When things get this bad, it takes a crude outsider like Donald Trump to come in and threaten to use the crude instrument of the DOJ to bring these open criminals to heel.


Who manufactures best holsters? My Out of Our Minds podcast co-host Andrew Henry:


Audio now available Warhorn Blog Posts | Wheaton College and President Buswell: hedge words for kangaroo court

As soon as I heard about the private email server, it was immediately obvious to me that the purpose was to control which emails would be subject to oversight and which would not. I’ve worked in the federal government, and there’s no way someone could accidentally stumble into breaking the rules like this.


The whole thing is evidence of a guilty mind from top to bottom. Including destroying evidence that was under subpoena.

America’s bright and beautiful people pretend to wet their pants over Trump threatening to call the DOJ out on crooks like this, but much of America thinks, “finally!”

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Audio now available Warhorn Blog Posts | Wheaton College and President Buswell: the race that doesn't matter