Bayly's daily

Thank you. This piece deserves careful reflection, including the sentiment that, “… there is a difference between an infallible Church and a Delphic oracle … An infallible church is by no means the same thing as an omniscient church”.

More on St Peter Claver here, if anyone is interested: Peter Claver - Wikipedia

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Yes, that line stood out to me, also. Love,


Behold the fruit of Redeemerites’ takeover of PCA. After serving up Revoice, Covenant Theol Sem announces conf on “the good life” where they’ll join together to plumb depths of “new visions of human flourishing.” #PCA

Jesus told woman@well to ask him for living water. She finally did & He told her to go call her husband.

In contrast to spiritual sales patter of Reformed pastors today, living water of salvation flows through conscience awakened to wickedness of heart. This turns us to Jesus.

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Reformed worship today is effeminate. The prayers. The music. The leadership. The preaching.

You respond, “No, our preaching is still manly.”

If so, where’s the danger? God’s no. His law. His judgment. #FatherAlmighty

People fawning over Andy Stanley’s cover of “Sympathy for the Devil?”

Close your eyes. Put in earplugs. Hold your nose. Religion of Canaanites should interest no man who is godly. Andy’s just a Canaanite priest.

Read 1Corinthians 6:9-11. #falseshepherd

Nat Hentoff once said: I live in Greenwich Village as did e.e. cummings. I never met him, but I knew his poetry and he certainly understood the power of birth. “We can never be born enough; we are human beings for whom birth is a supremely welcome mystery; the mystery of growing. It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”

So close, yet so far…


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One question related to this: given that historically the way we did things was to preach the Law, when it was that we (=the Church generally) stopped doing so. I once raised this with Ray Comfort, who couldn’t quite put his finger on when the change happened; although it might have been an immediate consequence of the Fundamentalist/Modernist controversy of the early years of the twentieth century. At any rate, if anyone can offer any insight on this, it would be welcome.

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But is the pastor a real man?

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I wanted to get time with one of the men at church. Splitting wood was the best chance, so I spent a day with him splitting wood. He had a log splitter, and I used a splitting maul. He was older, more mature, a working man - of course I tried to keep up with him, on principle. Didn’t realise he was also trying to keep up.

The next Sunday his son came up to me, ‘Heard you tried to kill my dad the other day.’

Manly pride is deadly.


And irrepressible in me. Love,


What Anthony Bradley tweeted about Wheaton professor, James Oliver Buswell III Wheaton College and President Buswell: tendentious history - Warhorn Media

Here Rod Dreher waxes eloquent on wickedness of man’s heart & illustrates it w/past evils now looked back on w/horror. Yet it doesn’t occur 2 Dreher 2 think abt slaughter of billions of unborn! His piece magnificently illustrates very evil he warns against The Axis Of The Human Heart - Rod Dreher's Diary

What made the Reformation earthshaking was the restoration of Biblical preaching. Rome’s scholastics, sacramentalists, and sodomites had perfected their abuse of God’s sheep to the point that the mission of preachers was to sell the sheep indulgences. Who trembles at My Word (3) - Warhorn Media

Can anyone make this stuff up?

Other than Donald Trump and the Muslims, is there someone/anyone who will say “no” to women? Dozens of birds named after people are about to be renamed : NPR


Bobby Knight, 1940-2023.
Like generals, some judge coaches by their personalities and others by their results. Bobby Knight was vulgar, petty, bitter, and a bully, but great at winning battles w/young men who often loved him.


Wheaton’s president and trustees are accountable to no one…

Two Scriptural condemnations of man/city/nation?

They have no fear of God and they are shameless.

No one can deny this is true of us today—not just worldlings, but we who claim the Name of Jesus. We shame the righteous for shaming the wicked. That’s our witness.


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Asymmetric warfare always means killing women and children. Didn’t start w/Hamas or Israel. Hard for us to pull off horror at present when we fire-bombed Germany and nuked Japan, not to mention murdering our unborn children. #confessChristpublicly

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