What would be a really good list of 20 to read over 2019? Any recommendations?
The Christian Mind
Life Together
The Thing
Pilgrim’s Progress
Bondage of the Will
What’s Wrong with the World
Knowing God
Fundamentalism and the Word of God
Attack Upon Christendom
The Reformed Pastor
The Worship of the English Puritans
Westminster Confession
The Church of Jesus Christ
Man as Male and Female
Man and Woman in Christ
The Institutes (Book Four)
The Imitation of Christ
In Praise of Folly
I’ll add a few…
Bisexuality in the Ancient World
Calvin’s Company of Pastors
The Grace of Shame
Daddy Tried
The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Revival & Revivalism
Consistory Registers of Calvin’s Geneva
Reformation Worship: Liturgies from the Past for the Present
What’s The Thing?
Are you referring to John Campbell’s, “Who Goes There?” made into the movie “The Thing”?
Some of these titles I am familiar with, but some of them I am not. It would be helpful to have a last name for the author.
Chesterton, The Thing. His apology for his Catholicism. Right?
Maybe you’d recognize it as That Thang
You asked for it, so you’re getting book recommendations by rapid fire!
- The best work of fiction I read last year was The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro. Amazing book.
- Based on this discussion, I intend to read The Technological Society by Jaques Ellul.
- You won’t go wrong with the Bookening list for 2019.
- I just re-listened to A Christmas Carol by Dickens, and I’ve decided that I will read David Copperfield sometime soon. I’ve not read anything by Dickens other than A Christmas Carol, and I’m really looking forward to it.
I could go on, but I’ll let others take a turn. Happy reading!
I’ll throw in 5:
The Bible, obvđź‘Ľ
1689 Confession
Revenge of Conscience - Budziszewski
Basic Economics - Sowell
The Blade Itself - Abercrombie ( rated M imo, sword and sorcery fun ).
Here’s ten I gave 5 stars to in 2018:
Father Hunger, Douglas Wilson
Miss Buncle’s Book, DE Stevenson
Deadman Switch, Timothy Zahn
The Daughter of Time, Josephine Tey
The Remains of the Day, Kazuo Ishiguro
Mansfield Park, Jane Austen
The Chinese Shawl, Patricia Wentworth
Island of the Lost, Joan Druett
The Woman in White, Wilkie Collins
Popes and Feminists, Elise Crapuchettes
Pretty eclectic, @Thomas. lol. I’ll have to check out that Sowell.
I’m going to add a short one to the list: In Praise of Folly by Erasmus.
Basic Economics is a good one. There is an Uncommon Knowledge interview with the author which is great.
All I know of Erasmus is the quote where he talks about using money to buy books, and then food if there’s any money left.
He could have used some basic economics!
Erasmus is better known for being a brilliant contemporary of and opposition to Luther. His work On Free Will was a refutation of Luther. I’ve never read it.
Erasmus’ work, “Diatribe On Free Will” was one of his weakest works, which is unfortunate because he was a brilliant man and had he applied his brilliance consistently in that work it would have been immensely better.
4 posts were split to a new topic: Preaching resources for Genesis?
I’m working through a few that have been listed here. I’m also now reading the new Banner of Truth printing of The Letters of John Calvin. Delightful and eye-opening.
I’ve just finished Sherlock Holmes. That was fun bed-time reading. Next, I’ll read Frankenstein. I’m also working through Frame’s Systematic Theology and thoroughly enjoying it.
A partial list of books (in order of publication) that I have particularly enjoyed or found helpful. I’m not in my mini-library right now, so I know I’m missing some other good ones.
1648 The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, Jeremiah Burroughs
1658 Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan
1850 The Law, Frederick Bastiat
1851 Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, Herman Melville
1923 Christianity and Liberalism, J. Gresham Machen
1938 Summary of Christian Doctrine, Louis Berkoff
1946 Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
1961 Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, J.I. Packer
1971 True Spirituality, Francis Schaefer
1973 Knowing God, J.I. Packer
1988 Trusting God, Jerry Bridges
1991 The Peacemaker, Ken Sande
2001 Nation of Cowards: Essays on the Ethics of Gun Control, Jeff Snyder
2005 Uprooting Anger, Robert Jones
2015 Fool’s Talk, Os Guinness
2016 Daddy Tried, Tim Bayly
Reading this year:
1970 Competent to Counsel, Jay Adams
1995 The Excellent Wife, Martha Peace
1995 Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Tedd Tripp
1997 When People are Big and God is Small, Ed Welch
2000 The Exemplary Husband, Stuart Scott
2001 Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave, Ed Welch
2002 Instruments in the Redeemers Hands, Paul Tripp
2005 Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically
2009 The Masculine Mandate, Richard Philips
2016 Devoted To God, Sinclair Ferguson
Love Hazlitt, student of von Mises, very efficient dispatching of stubborn economic fallacies that have stuck around for a long time.
My list- I’m a slow reader so it’s shorter
Reformed Dogmatics (Bavinck) (for seminary)
Eye of the World (Jordan) (been reading it for over a year and maybe 2019 is the year I finish it)
Evangelical and Catholic (Peter Toon)
A Russian Diary (Anna Politkovskaya)
The Winding Path to Freedom: A Memoir of Life in the Ukrainian Underground (Roman Mac)
1928 Book of Common Prayer