How do you all decide who is good to read for you and for others?
For example, I’ll pick on Chesterton because many quote him. I’ve not read a full book of his (I’ve intended to…I’m not saying I wouldn’t), but I’ve seen enough to recognize his brilliance. Would you recommend him without qualification? To new Christians? I see, for example, that Pastor Tim Bayly included some of his books on a recommended reading list, which is not surprising since I’ve heard him quote GKC many times. Is that for anyone, or just the person who asked? He also recommended books by Bonhoeffer and Baxter, who some Reformed folks disparage. Same with Lewis.
A common criticism goes: “With so many good resources from people who are Reformed, why read/quote ________?”
And if Lewis or Chesterton are okay, where do you stop? Or do you? If all truth is God’s truth, do we quote true statements freely regardless of the source? I’m far from the most strict on this, but I admit I don’t know how far to go either way. If Chesterton is safe, are all RCs safe to read and quote? Or are they fine for me but not for someone young in the faith? I use the word “safe”, but I recognize this is more about value: what do you get out of it compared to the risks? Some would say a papist is never worth the risk, and I’ve thought (and maybe even said) the same. Even if I read Chesterton and found him helpful, I wouldn’t quote him liberally, maybe in private conversations where I know the maturity level of my audience. What about a Mormon, or a Hindu? I understand studying engineering or programming from an expert in the field, whether Presbyterian or atheist, but what about matters of Christian doctrine?
Similar question about music. Talented musicians come from all streams of Christianity, and some of the most professional-sounding modern songs come from progressive sources. If they put out a few solid songs and a bunch of wishy-washy ones, should I listen to the good ones in my car? Sing them in corporate worship?
I’ve probably gone over my question limit without making many statements myself, but I hope that’s okay. I’ve read some Warhorn content, but mostly from the past year, so if you or anyone else has resources on this, send them my way.