The Ville 2.1 Brady Hawkins Day

There were hilarious moments, and distressing moments, and sweet moments, and thought-provoking moments, and possum moments, but I couldn’t figure out how it all fit together. This was the most confusing story episode yet for me as far as what the message was - maybe there were more messages than usual this episode?


But Daniel, there was still Christmas detritus everywhere. Everyone–someone–needed to start picking up the pieces from last season…


By “possum moments”, I assume you mean “Moments that are simultaneously hilarious, distressing, sweet, and thought provoking”.

Only thing lacking would be “octopus moments” which are like possum moments without the stark realism.


:joy: x twenty characters.

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Daniel, I think the real answer to your question is that there are lots of mini-messages, but we don’t think strictly in terms of “message” when putting together a story episode. Fiction (at least our kind of fiction) is a medium not merely for conveying morals, but for instilling empathy.

Personally I find it helpful to ask how someone becomes a Matt or Erica or even a Chip. What are the pains and fears and instincts and choices and virtues and small moments of horror or grace that add up to make a man? Only God knows the complete answer to that question, but stories are a fun way to explore it.

I hope that doesn’t sound too highfalutin’. People who aren’t me will have to decide how successful we are, but those are the things we’re trying to do with these episodes.

Also no story is complete without a couple of good possum moments.


Nathan, that is exactly why I enjoy these story arcs, and why I have been moved by them, despite the zany feel that makes it hard to take it seriously initially. You’re dealing with the hard and heavy that we deal with in real life, yet from the angle of a real love for Christ and His church. You’re not trotting out a perverted pastor to take down the church or to score cheap points against Christianity, but to build up the saints. And I am encouraged and strengthened by it in my work in jail. I’m energized in a soul-sucking environment. For what it’s worth, you are succeeding in your stated intent in my case. Thanks.