New Warhorn Media post by Tim Bayly:
Watching the PCA, the SBC, TGC, etc all heading down the downgrade slope, it kind of makes me insane that more people can’t see that we’ve done all this before. If you want to find out where women leaders, sodomy and the woke church land you, just drop by your local United Church of Christ or PCUSA to find out. Do these men (and women) think they are smarter or more clever or more godly than the people who ruined those denominations?
I mean, this stuff happened in our country, was recorded in our language, in the last 100 years, in many cases in living memory. It’s crazy.
Indeed. And all within a tad more than one century. What you see today regarding the sexes - the feminist invasion, and the homosexualist invasion on its heels - is all very similar to the controversies racking the churches in the late 19th Century - the so-called “higher criticism” of the Old Testament and the amalgamation of Darwinian evolution and geological uniformitarianism into the Christian faith (actually the editing of the latter to cohere with the former) - it’s all of a piece.
Step One: “Hath God really said . . .xyz?”
Step Two: Well, I guess He hasn’t! And, so . . .
Step Three: "Otay, let’s change this, that, and the other in our creeds, confessions, polity, worship, and so on.
Now, after each climactic apostasy, the Lord preserves a remnant, which through much sweat, toil, and tears, rebuilds its institutions from scratch. Such work, I’m glad to see, is already underway, though much oppression looms on the horizon.
It’s a time for hardy Christian men to take heed to themselves, to the signs of the times, and to our Lord’s faithfulness to bless and prosper the work of those faithful to Him.
Okay, I am with you on your comments. Where is the work that is underway? And how do I sign up? I have investigated every presbyterian denomination and even some of the independent churches, and haven’t found any that are either not further compromised than the PCA (ECO & EPC come to mind) or are not in Texas (almost all of the rest). What happens when sheep start building their own corral in hopes of a shepherd coming along later? I don’t want to go to a reformed baptist (aka John MacArthur) Church, but that appears to be my only viable option at this point. What are people’s thoughts on the proper way to militate one’s local PCA church into considering leaving the denomination? Those that have left for the Evangel Presbytery, have any published the whats and whys of their move?
Have you looked into the OPC? They have a presence near you.
Thanks for the questions, randy. You can find out more a out Evangel Presbytery here:
Our bylaws are here:
Please don’t hesitate to PM me if you have questions. I’d love to talk.
I don’t know what PM means. But I have been reading the website for some time and think it is a good idea overall. But what I seek missing is a way to locate member congregations. Additionally, given the nature of it and the times, it might be good for there to be a signup for people/individuals to put there name down for followup by any congregations that moves over and are in the individual’s area. Or where those interested in starting a Bible-study or some sort of Church start under the oversight of the Presbytry can find each other. All the best to you guys. Its exciting to know that the Lord is working in his Church, even if it means purging it of the dross. Jesus will get his bride.
Your brother in Christ,
Yes, the degree of the acceptance of the gay agenda by a lot of people in our churches younger than about thirty is quite scary. Pastors, even in the most conservative churches, should be taking honest soundings of what their young people actually think.
It’s interesting that Johnson calls this a “war”, but if you speak against the downgrade, you are the divisive, intemperate one.
How does one respond wisely in one’s own church and session?