RC Sproul's "What's wrong with you people?"

If this should be posted elsewhere, I apologize and will post it where it is supposed to be posted.

I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on RC Sproul’s “famous” response to an individual who asked a question concerning God’s punishment for Adam and Eve.

I love RC’s passion and am forever thankful for him and his ministry, but was his response too severe/harsh for a shepherd answering a question from someone who doesn’t fully understand the holiness of God and the wickedness of man? Should he have approached the question with more grace?

I have fought with this for a while, especially now that I am training for the ministry because I love the response, but I am having issues figuring out if this is the correct way for a shepherd to respond.

Thoughts? Posting the link if you have not seen it.



I have no problem with Sproul’s answer here. Follows in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul’s “who has bewitched you” to the Galatians.


Sproul’s indignation was godly. The question wasn’t about theology. The questioner was saying God Himself was out of line.


Hadn’t seen it. Not very severe, actually. Note “you people” is directed to church Christians, not pagans. Also notice he ends with the plaintive question, “Isn’t it?” Don’t fault you for wondering, and you might avoid saying things so directly until you are as old as Sproul was, but the men here who have already responded are right. We need our sense of propriety in preaching, teaching, and pastoral care to be set by Scripture, not our awful wicked culture of whining and victimhood. Love,