Philip Zodhiates update from Lydia McGrew

The conservative Anglican blogger Lydia McGrew has posted an update on the Philip Zodhiates case, which is part of a larger case involving Lisa Miller and her daughter, Isabella.

Lisa Miller entered into a lesbian relationship and conceived a daughter through artificial insemination. Later, she repented and sought exclusive custody of her daughter, Isabella. Lisaā€™s former lesbian roommate sued for custody and, in response, Lisa and Isabella fled the country. Some men assisted in Lisaā€™s escape, and have been charged with kidnapping. One of those men is named Ken Miller and another is named Philip Zodhiates. Both have served or are serving in federal prison.


Thanks for posting this. I remember reading about it quite a while ago, but I didnā€™t realize there were multiple men involved in helping them escape.


So sad, but the blood (and imprisonment) of martyrs has always been the seed of the church. Pray for the Zodhiates and all the Millers. Anyone know a lawyer who can help?


So the biological mother is alleged to have kidnapped her own baby from an adoptive mother (since she is not biological) and Zodhiates is an accomplice? Still just trying to wrap my head around the elements of this supposed crime. Donā€™t mothers run away with the kids all the time? They even have shelters for that sort of thing? But then I guess some forms of abuse are not really abuse according to our new pharaohs.

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Itā€™s not even clear to me that there was an adoption. She was living in a civil union with the other woman at the time of birth. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s it.

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The opinions can be read here:

Update: my ā€œoriginal decisionā€ link is incorrect, itā€™s only a record of a certain motion that was part of that case.

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So basically property acquired during the civil unionā€¦an Solomon isnā€™t around to offer to split the baby. :man_facepalming:


Iā€™m thinking a petition for a Presidential pardon for Miller and Zodhiates leading up to election season would have the best chances.