New Warhorn Media post by Tim Bayly:
Well said, Pastor Spurgeon.
I process articles/letters like this in a very identifiable order:
I feel a deep conviction for, practically, being a wuss, for having a line in my willingness to stand that is laced with comforts on which my flesh feasts.
Once I confess before the God who gave His beloved Son for me, my reading turns instructive. In this case, learning from the seamless weaving of testimony concerning God’s creation of man in His image, the wickedness of murdering those who bear His image, the clear warning of the coming judgment, the call to flee to Christ to avoid the wrath to come, and the clear identifying of a prevailing worldview that both enslaves and leads to death.
With 1 Corinthians 11:1 looming as my text for this coming Lord’s Day, I thank God for this dear brother, who has given me a witness worthy of imitation, and a brother worthy of our frequent prayer (he’s going on my prayer list now) as he battles on the front line in the war of the kingdoms.
Thank you Kipp for your prayers. I really appreciate it.
I agree. Well written brother @JosephSpurgeon, and well done.
I’ve never been accurately quoted by a reporter. But I did have one who became a sister in Christ later tell me that the Holy Spirit used our interview and her misrepresentation if it to convict her of sin.
After yielding to Jesus, her family sat next to ours in church meetings . . . for several years.
May our Sovereign King deal with your reporter and her employers.
There is a brother in our church, whom the church supports financially as an evangelist, who spends quite a bit of time ministering outside of a local abortuary. Sometimes he is alone, and sometimes with others in the church.
A couple years ago he was cited/released and appeared in court over a charge of violating some sort of city noise nuisance ordinance. Don’t recall exact verbiage of the ordinance at the moment. A judge later dismissed the case on the grounds that the city ordinance was found unconstitutional.
I kept a copy of the judge’s ruling, thinking it could be relevant to someone someday as opposition against this sort of work intensifies. If anyone is interested in some light reading, I can make it available.