My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

New Warhorn Media post by Nathan Alberson:


Honestly never heard of this film. Neither has my wife. I’ll have to check it out with the kids sometime.

Thanks for the rec. Appreciated the conversation on “anime” as well. It’s not something I know much about but probably should with a son about to turn 11.

EDIT: Also, Ernest Saves Christmas is great.


We just bought the Miyazaki collection, some gems in there. Decided to skip kikis delivery service though.

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So glad you started going through these movies.

Like @nathanalberson, I had an extensive anime DVD collection in college. I literally recognized everything you talked about, for good and ill.

Anyway, I’m partial to Laputa: Castle in the Sky, since it’s a more traditional movie with some Indiana Jones vibes. The Castle of Cagliostro would be great to do as Miyazaki’s first film. Still a lot of fun.