Knowing (2009)

New Warhorn Media post by Nathan Alberson:

Sorry for the off topic post.

I was watching Tremors the other day to decide if I wanted to watch it with my 8 year old daughter. While I was watching the opening scene, I realized it was a setup for the end of the movie.

Iā€™ve seen this movie a half a million times, and have never put that together before now. And as I continued to watch, I kept having those realizations. I think about what is said in movies, but never bothered with movie structure before. That was a lot of fun.

Thanks. You guys are awesome!

P.S. Nope. Not appropriate for my daughter. The intense scenes she can maybe handle, but Iā€™d forgotten how crass the language was in Tremors.


Yeah unfortunately that was a big problem in Tremors. A friend of ours has a story of showing it to some Christian friends heā€™d just met and being very embarassed.

Anyway glad to be of service!

A ā€œfriend.ā€ Sure. :wink:


Even 80s kids movies are ridiculously crass. Donā€™t show The Goonies to your kids unless youā€™re up for a lengthy vocabulary lesson.


Yea I found that out the other week. Thanks Spielberg.


Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

I just rewatched this film. Second time seeing. First time in about 10 years.

I appreciated your guys conversation about it.

Itā€™s one of those films thatā€™s better if you donā€™t know the end. (Which, in my opinion, means it canā€™t get a better grade than a B+.) Interesting that the little girl from the 50s in the first segment and the little girl in the modern day in the last half are played by the same actress.

Anyway, I never liked the filmā€™s title. (Iā€™m big on titles.) I would have called it ā€˜Adam and Eveā€™ but there probably would have been boycotts.

I want to say that this film generates a lot of ā€œthought.ā€ But Iā€™m really not sure it does. It has a great creepiness factor if you are into that. (I like it.) But once you ā€œknow,ā€ you know and itā€™s just seeing how it plays out. The car chase/crash at the end was dumb. I guess they needed some action for the trailer.

I like the way the final scene was done. Could have been too much exposition. The rabbits were maybe a bit much, but over all I thought it was good. The kids just ran off and played. Not ā€œpervyā€ at all. So that was good.

I think this is a solid sci-fi piece. Seemed ok for teens (though I want watch with an eye on that aspect). My oldest is 11 so I usually think about whether he could watch a film I see. Heā€™s scared of his own shadow so this wouldnā€™t be one for him. Otherwise I may have missed some questionable content, but I doubt it.