Joshua Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye) Leaves the Faith

“Hey everybody, I excommunicated myself from the church because of my unrepentant sins oftentimes related to sexuality, but f— you for asking what I mean by that.”


Okay, then.

This was an interesting quote:

As for his own faith, or lack thereof, Harris hinted that he still pines after something of the divine. “Someone said, ‘I don’t believe in God, but I miss Him,'” he said. “I can relate to that.”

Now taking bets on who’s first to run an article that this means that Harris is basically still a Christian:

  • The Gospel Coalition
  • Relevant Magazine
  • Christianity Today
  • Quentin Sulser
0 voters

“My friend Kristi sent me this poem by Thomas Merton called ‘When In The Soul Of The Serene Disciple.’ It captures so beautifully what I feel.”

It’s quite the depressing downgrade to exchange the authoritative Word of God which embodies the truth about reality, in favor of the poetry of man to embody our feelings.

May the Lord cause him to feel the utter vanity of his existentialism, and in his mercy grant repentance.


In a way someone has to be the voice to him: dude, stop, nobody cares. You are not that important. Your story is not captivating nor unique. Get off the throne in your own heart already.

I can’t articulate it right, but there is something so wretched about broadcasting one’s life, it’s part of this weird voyeuristic culture we’re in now where people watch TV shows about other people doing nothing else besides living or camping together.

I remember in a particular rough and extended spot of anxiety and depression I had, my wife said to me, when you are feeling this way, when you are feeling some attack coming on, why don’t you think at that point about one thing you could do for someone else?

God’s Word, not recited exactly, but applied! It changed everything. It was learning and experiencing from someone who loved me enough to tell me that hey, the universe doesn’t revolve around you bud - that provided just the amount of air God wanted to use to get my eyes off myself and onto Him.

I pray someone around Harris can do him a similar turn.


And with that, I’ll close this thread, as I’m more and more convinced that less and less attention (negative or positive) should be given to Christian celebrities.

Harris has left the faith. Take care that you do not likewise perish. Have nothing more to do with him. Give him none of the attention he wants. No more need be said.

(And no, I don’t think that your point about effeminacy was without merit, @Krlamb1. It’s just that in “this weird voyeuristic culture” we end up inevitably being drawn into reading, thinking, watching, giving much more attention than is worthwhile to this sort of thing.)