Jobs for a 15 year old young man

My son Henry is a brand new 15 year old, is working diligently towards getting his drivers license (currently has his permit), is a hard worker in the home, always knocking out chores, homeschool assignments, etc without complaint. He has a strong desire to work, and to develop some independence, but is having trouble finding a job at 15 in what may be considered traditional jobs that are known to hire a teen boy. Any ideas about work outside the home he may be able to pick up? A young person wanting to work is a rare thing in 2024, and don’t want to stifle this.

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I benefited from working with painters, landscapers, and carpenters in the church. Was helpful to have exposure with the customers but also helpful to work under a man who wasn’t my dad.


My son is also 15 and had similar trouble, but eventually got a job at Culvers that he is about to start at. He also has been mowing for several people in our neighborhood, and today he is doing landscaping with a church member.

I don’t have much to suggest besides keep trying.


Running the string trimmer for a lawn care company is a pretty good gig for a 15 year old, if you can find it.


Ours mows and does odd jobs two days a week at a small farm.


My 15 yo got a job at a trampoline place when some friends of ours opened one several months ago. My 18 yo is having a very tough time finding retail/fast food work. The labor market seems to have loosened significantly in the last year, at least around here.

If your boy is of an entrepreneurial mindset, you might suggest knocking doors in the neighborhood looking for lawn gigs. A young friend of ours has been able to turn that into a small landscaping company to put himself through college on.


Lawnmowing/yardwork is usually the easiest to find, if you’re willing to let him use your lawnmower etc.

If you have them in your area, small farmers need hard working who aren’t afraid to get dirty. Shovelling manure has a way of toughening a boy up :grinning:


Thank you all for the feedback. Raising boys to men is difficult work

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