Jesus at the RNC?

Politicians love using religion for political ends. Democrats can say the name of Jesus and make real flowery, tear jerker statements. That said, Jesus is getting quite a bit of air time at the RNC, more than I can recall in previous election cycles, and it has a different feel. Could this be the blossoming of some national repentance? Any thoughts?


There are on the one hand more explicit mentions of the name of Jesus and on the other hand there is a lot more pluralism than the RNC has ever had before.

It’s mostly a sign of judgement and the decadent time that we live in but also

“What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice”
— Philippians 1:18


Well, here are a few thoughts I have on the subject:
There were several mentions of Christ, God Almighty, God’s grace, providence, and other Christian buzzwords at the RNC on the last day. Nearly every speaker gave God praise for the way things transpired last Saturday, in terms of how Trump literally dodged a bullet.
The reality of the weight of this election seems to have impacted the GOP in a way that has led to some introspection about how, despite our national sins, God has not totally forsaken the U.S., and they would cite God’s providential hand in preserving Trump as evidence for this.
Clearly, until this Nation repents of all its sins, particularly the slaughter of the unborn, its sexual lunacy, it’s proliferation of unjust wars, it’s exporting of all manner of evil all around the globe, and a host of other sins, we can’t rightly expect anything from God’s hand but wrath.
But, could it be that the GOP’s conscience has been pricked to a point which may bring about repentance akin to that which we see in the Book of Jonah by Nineveh, a repentance which affords the U.S a long season of mercy, giving Pastors yet opportunity to preach repentance pedal to the metal, lest we wind up like Nineveh in the end?


Mr. Sabie,

I saw Franklin Graham’s prayer last night. He prayed in Jesus’ name and quoted John 3:16. In the end, knowing that President Trump and his team approved each speech from each presenter, I’m left wondering if what Bro. Graham said and what he prayed was sort of like a “Sportsdrome” prayer?

Meaning that Bro. Graham was invited to lend solemnity to the event, but he was muzzled as far as any prophetic voice or rebuke he could have had. I thought of changes in the party platform on abortion directed by Mr. Trump himself.


The GOP’s conscience has been pricked, yes, but let’s see how long that lasts post November 5th.

On another note, the Black Church is as pro-Biden and pro-Democrat as ever, from what I can see. A case in point: the leadership of COGIC (the largest Black Pentecostal movement) came out in support of Biden, in the context of Biden’s age. This was reported in Charisma Magazine, who can’t have been impressed.

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