When conflict is raging, people take the temperature, and make judgments. The Ortlunds have never been shepherds I trust, from grandfather (Lake Avenue) to father to son. I’ve shown the heresy of Gavin’s brother Gentle and Lowly (The false teaching of Crossway's "Gentle and Lowly" - Warhorn Media). It’s clear. Is there any reason to start a clean slate with his brother?
No. From First Pres. Augusta (PCA) to Christ Presbyterian Nashville (PCA) to Immanuel Nashville (Sam Allberry, Gavin Ortlund, Russ Moore, Barnabas Piper, etc.). I mean, seriously. No doubt Ms. Basham got some things wrong, but I’m looking for repentance from this family. Any man among them.
From Christ Presbyterian Church’s teflon website:
In 2004, Christ Presbyterian called Dr. Ray Ortlund as Senior Pastor. A highly regarded Biblical scholar, theologian, prolific writer, and teacher, Ray would later become Founding and Senior Pastor of Immanuel Church, Nashville’s first Acts 29 congregation.
In July of 2007, Dr. Wilson Benton and his wife, Pam, came out of retirement to become our interim Senior Pastor. The Benton’s and Christ Presbyterian formed a meaningful bond with each other, so much so that Wilson served as our Interim Pastor for a full five years!
Rev. Scott Sauls became Senior Pastor in 2012. He and his wife Patti planted two churches before serving at Redeemer Presbyterian in New York City. Christ Presbyterian embraced a vision to become a multi-site church, planting several new congregations, including Koinonia in North Nashville.
In 2015, Rev. Sauls and Missy Wallace launched the Nashville Institute for Faith & Work (NIFW) to support the faith and work integration aspect of the church’s discipleship pathway. NIFW now exists as an independent 501(c)(3) ministry and their services are available to anyone who wishes to benefit from its insight and resources.
In November of 2023, Pastor Sauls prayerfully submitted his resignation and Christ Presbyterian began seeking the Lord’s guidance for our next Senior Pastor.
Now, Ray is moving on again, announcing his joy:
I am thrilled to announce a new path of service now opening up to me. The Right Rev’d Clark W. P. Lowenfield, Bishop of the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast in the Anglican Church in North America, has graciously called me to serve him as a Catechist and Canon Theologian. He has kindly extended the same call to my dear friend, The Rev’d Sam Allberry.
Really. Love,