New Warhorn Media post by Tim Bayly:
… It is common for pastors to be punished when the fire of the Holy Spirit begins to burn. Fire ought to be allowed (planned burns); so, too, the Holy Spirit will burn for the good of our churches and people.
A case in point: have a look at the scythe going through the various Pentecostal and Charismatic movements at the moment. Those traditions do need a cleanout (disclosure: I was brought up A/G), but it is not an easy process - this is the ecclesiastical equivalent of the dental appointment to end them all. And it is only a matter of time before such begins to work its way through the various Reformed movements as well. Steve Lawson (John MacArthur’s 2-i-c) may only be the start of things.
And on a closely-related note, this thinkpiece published on the TGC website:
Let Me Get Home Before Dark: Wisdom to Help Pastors Finish Well
I am a bit disconnected from the charismatic world now (went to Regent University 12 years ago). What is the scythe you’re referring to?
To explain - I’m referring to the way in which many Charismatic pastors have recently been called to account for past behaviour which was downright criminal (Mike Bickle), downright foolish (Dr Michael Brown) or directly abusive in other ways (Mike Pilavachi, but that’s a case in the UK).