Doug Wilson's confession of faith

This is a fantastic question. It is one of the reasons to be concerned about the response of our public health experts. But if I could take a guess at Joel’s point and then agree with him, I would say he means we have the leaders we want and deserve as a people. Our obsession is with safety and security, for sure. It is for this reason that I wrote to our church and said that by beginning to meet it was important for us to acknowledge that it risked some people getting sick and possibly even dying, but that the risk was not so great that it even approached the daily risk of previous generations of Christians. Why does this matter? For one, perspective. But more importantly, the call to live by faith without fear in today’s world is essential.

Now Pastor Wilson assures me that my church has been taught to fear because we asked them to wear masks, and that half of them didn’t read what I wrote, and I just laugh.


I’m reminded of a sermon I once heard David Abu-Sara preach in which he spent some time urging parents to examine their motives and to make every effort to bring their families to worship even if their kids were sick. That we ought to come to worship even if it means others get sick.

He made some qualifications. If your kid is running a fever and vomiting, then no, stay home. But he was aiming at the consciences of the over-protective mothers in the church and the fathers who defer to over protective mothers. It was a call to value the worship of the church as it should be valued.

Have to say, I’ve been thinking about the admonitions in that sermon quite a bit the last few months. Again, I’m surprised that it has not occured to more people in our circles to bring it up.


Helpful…I didn’t consider that possible meaning and it is true. We’ll get the leaders we deserve (and want).

There can be a ditch of fear on both sides of the road of the faith. The most often recognized ditch is the fear of the illness and death. But the less recongnized ditch is the fear of people getting angry with the church and her leaders because of their responses to COVID.

One of the concerns I’ve expressed to my Moscow brothers is the related concern of being driven by the fear of angering the sheep (and of losing members) is the desire to gain members and applause. I’ve read Pastor Toby state that Christ Church is growing, yesterday Pastor Wiley said Pastor Wilson said that Christ Church has grown 25% during COVID. And, then, the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network seems to be gaining notoriety.

It would seem the greater danger to our souls isn’t the virus and death but the fear of losing folks and the desire to be pleasing to them.


This, too, can cut both ways. Some members of the church I attend have expressed outrage to the session for NOT mandating masks in the santuary.


LOL. You know what, I think Germans are still good at obeying, it seems there is still a collective instinct.

From DW, published April 13th:

I do not mean that the virus is somehow fake, or that there are not places that are severely affected. I do not mean to belittle the suffering of any who have been sick, or the grieving of the thousands of families who have lost loved ones. I know that many have died and, believe it or not, I don’t want people to die. I am not pretending that somehow many haven’t died. And I am also not in any way making light of the heroics that any number of health care workers and supply chain folks have undertaken on behalf of others during this whole ordeal. Four cheers for all of them.

Another one, July 13th:

And a reminder to all. I am no COVID denier. It really was a genuine medical crisis, particularly in certain places.

Joseph, it appears to me that DW is more or less saying the thing you wanted him to say, no? Maybe you can point me to other places where he specifically says this, “100k? never!” If we accuse others of wrong-doing we better be right.

Again, I fully agree with you that masks are not a confessional issue and shouldn’t be made one, fully agree with the postscript you published. The mask is not a symbol.

EDIT: I re-read the “Littlejohn, MacArthur and binding the conscience” DW post, and I now understand your criticism better (just not the “100k”! haha)


I am sorry, Jeremy – I did not realize my comment would be so elliptical. As @jtbayly explained, why should we be surprised by the dominance of a motherly ethic of security when the majority of voters are women?

Beyond this, it is very clear that the response to COVID-19 is driven by the class interests of those with the most influence and power in American society. Older generations (and especially Boomers) have more power than younger generations, and as I have pointed out elsewhere in comments here, they have abandoned the ethic of paying it forward. COVID-19 poses a much greater danger to older people than younger people, so shutting things down benefits older people much more so than younger people. Plus, older people may be retired and thus suffer no loss of income when the economy is shut down, or at least have no minor children who need to be educated at home since schools are closed. Another group with considerable power is the professional class, who are mostly able to work from home and continue to earn the income needed to order stuff online and have it delivered to their door. So I think it should not be surprising that the government has settled on a COVID-19 policy that brings the greatest benefit and least cost to the most influential blocks of voters in America.


The malcontent, disobedient Germans decamped for Britain a 1500 or so years ago. The malcontent, disobedient English decamped for America 400 or so years ago.

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This is worthy of much comment. Pastor Wilson is saying that it’s time to break fellowship and move to a different church if you don’t think you should wear a mask in church. Doesn’t that make all the wrangling about Imperial College predictions seem unimportant? Which church you go to shouldn’t depend on whether the elders are any good at epidemiology, or even whether they have good judgement in practical matters generally. I’m appalled that someone would suggest leaving church X and going to church Y based on their mask policy. It’s like leaving church because you don’t like the new organist. Anybody who leaves a church because they don’t like its policy of requiring masks is wrong; anybody who leaves because they don’t like its policy of NOT requiring masks is wrong.


Absolutely right, Joel.

In a tragic irony, the president who was elected to represent the interests of the forgotten man, the working class, people who cannot do their jobs from home–that president pursued policies that has screwed those people.

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I reviewed the links and they are indeed startling. The Sweden paper overestimated the death toll by July 1st by a factor of 18. But that does not square with the claim in the “Coronavirus in Sweden” chart above provided by @henrybish. That chart says in bold “Ferguson’s estimate was at least 25x too high.” Well it wasn’t his own estimate. It was his poorly coded model that other researchers appropriated and estimated 18x too high for Sweden. I never put much stock in Ferguson’s model anyway. The model by Youyang Gu has been much more predictive. Back in April it estimated nearly 130k deaths by August 4. That was only 15k less than the actual reported number.

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In my opinion the masks are not the issue even though they seem to be the issue. The issue is that the civil government has been taken over by people hostile to the nation and to the Christian faith. As someone mentioned above, its main focus has been security and safety of those with power. It has rammed through abortion, sodomy, opposition to freedom of association, mass illegal immigration, and the list goes on. It has acted untrustworthy time and time again, willing to use crisis to push through restrictions on the liberties that previous American’s fought for. Whether it was an abuse of 911 or climate change, the government has held to let no crisis go to waste. Yesterday evening, I sat through a local council meeting in which pro-aborts used Covid as an excuse to try to ram through a bill that would have made a portion of public property in front of an abortion mill off limits to prolife people. It was brazen how much these people were playing up Covid and lying through their teeth. They tried to act as if they were concerned for the safety of people not only at the clinic but at other medical facilities that this would have supposedly applied to. They made the case that this was the only compassionate decision to be made because of Covid. Praise God there were a few council members who spoke to the hospitals and found out that no place but the abortion mill had asked for the bill. Something even more shocking was that it was revealed that the local CDC had endorsed this bill. A bill that the proaborts had been pushing for years was being endorsed by various groups that are supposed to be for public safety.

I bring this up because most conservative Christians are tired of it. We are tired of the rolling over and playing dead every time this happens. You might say well why haven’t they done anything before now. I don’t know. I do know that men like Matt Trewhella have been fighting tyranny and abortion for years. They have the scars and the arrest records to prove it. I also know that a mask really isnt that big of a deal and yet it is. For many it is a brazen and literally in your face reminder of a civil government gone amok.

Some have used the analogy of a wife submitting to her husband or a father to a child to describe our submission to the civil magistrates. For example, the father believes that a tornado is coming and so he takes the whole family into a basement. Even though he was wrong, he had the right to do it. Well, the situation is more like an abusive and unfaithful dad who should have been divorced and jailed a long time ago, not only demands the wife and child to go into the basement, he also makes them make all the sacrifices for this supposed tornado. And he not only does it one or two nights, but he does it for 6 months. Finally, he says they have to wear a rain jacket every day while he flaunts the rule himself. The mother says “no we aren’t going to wear a rain jacket.” It was one of the first times she ever stood up to the abusive husband. It definitely seems like a silly place to stand up. Why there and not when he was abusing her while cheating on her?

In my opinion, for Doug and Toby and all their followers the issue isn’t per say the mask. Its all the thing it entails. To them and to many Christians, it seems just like one more issue that the church rolls over and plays dead on. Its the refusal by most of the church in America to preach to the civil magistrates.

I do think that the article above is correct on some of the details but that seems to be besides the point. Even more so is LittleJohn’s article and the 9marks article against John MacArthur. Those comes across like David going out to fight Goliath and his brothers upset that he isn’t wearing Saul’s armor probably.

The Philistines are camped about us and I want Saul to win.

All of that said, I agree that its stupid to make blanket statements about masks being idolatry. But I also think Doug made the appropriate concessions finally in that article. If the real issue is his padeocommunion, well we have known that for years. He’s wrong and dead wrong on it. But that hasn’t kept us from being cobeligerents and friends before now, and I don’t know why we think we need to divide over it now.


Dear Joseph, Matt Trewella is just one of many many men who have scars from our pro-life work. This all has been going on long before Matt arrived on the scene and wrote his book and started getting people to listen to him. So please do not imply that those of us older than you have been silent. You weren’t here when I got slandered publicly by our local abortion mill lady and my elders believed her and from that point on my call was over. I knew it was the beginning of the end and suffered shaming in our local newspaper and my elders used it to attack me relentlessly, and shortly after I was gone. I suppose every generation thinks they are the only ones who are really zealous and see the real issues, but really, it’s a bit much. Do you forget David Curell was busted down at Terry Schiavo’s execution? That my brother David and I were there with him, and that we shamed World magazine into covering the issue? How many hearings such as you sat through last night do you think we’ve sat through?

As for Doug and Toby, masks are the sacrament of statist idolatry. This is what they have said and it’s both ridiculous and shismatic, just as we’ve written over and over again. Abortion and euthanasia and infanticide and what happened at your hearing last night are no tiniest excuse for such sin. Doug and Toby don’t need to be cut off. They just need to say they were wrong and apologize for their words. Love,


Dear Tim,
I was not implying or forgetting your work to end abortion. But do remember that pastor Matt is about the same age as you. He and Rusty Thomas have been fighting this since the beginnings of the rescue movement in the 80s. You might have been right there with them and if so I am thankful. I wish you and they could trade war stories some time. I’d love to hear that. Again, I appreciate you being slandered by the abortion worker. I too have been slandered in the New York Times, Washington Post, and had elders at a church attack me and suddenly stop funding our church plant on the work we do to end abortion. Therefore, I would not dare dishonor your work.

The point about the hearing I sat through was not that it was unique. Ive sat through federal court cases and had abortion workers lie about me under oath. Ive been flipped off by a “prolife” republican state representative in Indy. I had one of the sponsors of last nights bill threaten to punch me three years ago for telling him to repent. I have seen the way they lie. My point was that now they were using Covid 19 a supposed health crisis to push through their nonsense and everyone knew they were using it.

We both agree that we want to see healthy churches with pastors who shepherd their flocks well and who are willing to discipline and fight for their sheep. The truth that you know is that this is rare. What we have in our presbytery is rare today. I just saw an article where 1200 pastors signed a document calling upon their people to take a vaccine. I have talked with person after person who has had their “reformed” churches shut down even now without a word spoken from the elders about any concerns. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is making people sign a document that they will follow ANY order by the civil government on Covid. Churches are rolling over and playing dead and many good christians are being hung out to dry about it.

My point is not to criticize your criticism of Doug but merely to make known why Doug has the influence that he has. Its the same reason you have the influence you have. And in doing so, hoping that along with our criticism of Doug, we will help people with a path forward.

I love you and I love our presbytery.


No need to apologize. I believe you are right on. Thanks.

Well said, brother. Abt Matt and Rusty, I’ve never heard of their work until recently. Were they down in Florida over Terry? Did they know Joe Scheidler? Over my lifetime, I’ve seen such men rise up for five or ten years and then disappear. Franky Schaeffer and Randall Terry are particularly good/bad examples. But the gates of Hell will not prevail against… The Church.

Anyhow, love Evangel Presbytery, and its fellowship, also. Love (most of all) the Church of Jesus Christ, and she has been suffering these precise humiliations at the hands of her civil authorities since the time of the Apostles Peter and Paul who commanded us to honor them. Love,


Rusty was the Assistant director to Flip Benham and was in Florida at the time maybe getting arrested at the same exact time you were.

here is a video of Pastor Matt being arrested (He has spent over 14 months in jail over the various times he has been arrested) in 1991 leading missionaries to the preborn:

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If I have learned anything from you, it is to love the church enough to fight for the church. I am very thankful.


Hi Henry

In terms of a "wise judgement " point of view, how do you rate the responses of the UK and Scottish Governments to the pandemic?

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Thanks, dear brother. I remember Missionaries of Charity, but when I served in Wisconsin the previous decade, I never ran into Matt.