New Warhorn Media post by Tim Bayly:
This is infuriating whenever it happens, but never more than when you are doing business with a company that charges a premium price.
I had a similar interaction with a so-called Genius about 15 years ago on a MacBook battery problem. Apple had already replaced a defective battery with a supposedly fixed one, which barely lasted 18 months. They offered me a new battery at full freight for a laptop that was by that point probably 3-4 years old. Similar to your decision, I decided that it was now a laptop that needed to remain plugged in for use.
Apple does a lot of things well, but customer service isn’t one.
Your story about the baby barf is grimly hilarious, and very on-brand for Apple.
You have lots of options but is it worth the battle? On one side, you might enjoy the warpath, and on the other there is a cost to your efforts, both personally and with those around you. Sometimes just getting a replacement is the way to maintain the peace. Once you have another laptop, you can then unleash the Kracken and get the first one repaired, then bless someone by giving it away.
What I think you miss is that Apple asked me to evaluate their customer service, and I look at responding positively with this negative evaluation as paying it forward. For other Apple customers. Also for mothers humiliated in Apple stores. Love,
Twitter usually gets their attention more. Just send a DM via Twitter. As for giving my opinion of anything, I generally don’t do that anymore unless they pay me. My position is that the information they want to gather they already know, so why should I add to it, and besides, nobody reads it anyway. I have also written letters on real paper to the CEO of a company; the last time I did that I was able to get a problem solved because that letter connected me to their USA-based escalated customer service where they spoke English as a first language. Going forward, I have my own warpath that I am working on: I am going to send actual printed pictures of the filthy local 7-11 to the top guy in Japan. How do you like them apples!
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bayly’s daily
Some might recall son Taylor used to drive a huge, honkin 04 Lexus GX470 w/license “Rexus” and bumper sticker, “I identify as a Prius.” His new ride?
Apple’s OS updates rolling out AI couple months from now should carry tag line, “Nuke Power.”