I’m excited for another SoS. For a brief story that no one wanted but I will nonetheless provide: I first heard of Pastor Tim after some site reviewed Daddy Tried, which came out a little over a year after my first child was born. I devoured the book - love it and recommend it to all fathers and fathers-to-be - but was disappointed there wasn’t more of an “online presence” for Pastor Tim. Fast forward another couple of years and the iTunes Podcast app algorithm recommends me “The World We Made.” I eat that up, and after listening to that am pointed to “Sound of Sanity.”
This show (generally, I haven’t yet turned on the episode) is one of the most unique and enjoyable podcasts I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to - and I say this as someone who counts podcasts as my primary form of entertainment (more than movies, television, music, and games; behind only reading). I’ve listened to hundreds of podcasts, Christian and otherwise, and “Sound of Sanity” is among the very best. I know you guys are only loosely associated with anyone in the Fight Laugh Feast Network specifically - although I expect your audiences significantly overlap - but Warhorn, in its collection of shows, does what FLF aims to do, moving into a sphere and working excellence in the name of Christ, maybe even better than those guys (which is not a knock against the folks affiliated with FLF).
I appreciate your work, am glad SoS is back, and when I can carve out an allowance in my family budget to support some of my favorite podcasts, SoS will be first on the list.