Black Gold

New Warhorn Media post by Joseph Bayly:


Your grandmother was a wise and faithful woman.

Fables of Chinese persecution have great hoodwinking power. Many of my Christian peers in college fell for stories by a Brother Yun. I don’t believe he ever scammed anyone so overtly, but he created a great deal of dissatisfaction with his stories of effortless spreading of The Gospel and fantastic endurance. He would also mention that the only thing that ruined the rapid spread of The Gospel were books written by people in denominations.


To be clear, this is a parable, written in the first person. My grandparents weren’t farmers. :slight_smile:

Oh, sorry!

I still choose to believe your grandmother was a wise woman.


I find this surprising … that the church in China has been persecuted dreadfully over the years is hardly a fable.

I got to hear Brother Yun in a public meeting about twenty years ago. He had stories of the miraculous to tell, certainly, but the persecution he had experienced along the way had quite a salutary effect on the audience as I recall. I went with a friend who had brought along a Chinese friend of his own. Yun spoke in Chinese, obviously; the Chinese friend said that he (Yun) sounded quite credible.