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Audio recording of Warhorn Blog Posts | Wheaton College & President Buswell: racist division still

Christmas, babies, and church bells The kindness of the Lord (24): Christmas & babies - Warhorn Media

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I dunno, Pastor Tim, jumping state lines for a home birth? Exactly how long was the milk in your fridge pasteurized for? :wink:

Have a Merry Christmas.

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For a very short time, we picked up our milk from one of our dairymen. Then we didn’t. Ever gain. Became thankful for pasteurization. Merry Christmas to you and yours too, dear brother. Love,

From brother in Christ Scott Tibbs; excellent Be careful of the opposite ditch - by Scott Tibbs


Excellent article from Mr. Tibbs, thank you for sharing. As someone who married a single mother, it struck close to home.

The insightful points that can be made by those on the “New Right” or “red pilled” or whatever they like to be called these days is always interesting. How there can be these clear insights on the one hand, with such great blindness in the same breath, really speaks to both the usefulness and limitations of Natural Law, and the great need we have for Divine Revelation.


Well said. Reading the piece, I also thought of men and women who marry after being abused and raped as children. Their entire life experience is soiled goods. You know them in a variety of ways, but particularly the fact that they never stop apologizing for living. Merry Christmas!


Skirmishes are not battles. Battles are not wars. If you want to understand history, start with the skirmishes, following them through to the battles and wars. When you can tell the story of skirmishes, you may be ready to fight. Wheaton College denounces J. Oliver Buswell Jr. Archives - Warhorn Media

Oh yeah, buddy. Maine’s decider

When Hannah was born, her birth was announced out the bedroom window & parishioners of 1st Presby toasted her birth, walked 20 yards to church-house & grabbed church-bell cord, pealing announcement of the birth. Christmas Eve, we always pealed the bell

Thanks to both of you.

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The FBI is trying to document hooting and catcalls. If they hurt judges’ feelings, they’re federal hate crimes.

Truthfully, the weaponization of the judiciary surrounding President Trump will leave respect for the law in shreds among half our nation’s population while the other half cackles. Is there any respect for any authority left anywhere in America today?


When they try to protect Their Sacred Democracy ™, any criticism is a federal case. But when they call for somebody to rid them of a turbulent member of the US Supreme Court to prevent the Dobbs decision, that’s just a law of nature, like gravity.


A story for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day Christmas 2023: audio of Joe Bayly's "How silently, how silently..." - Warhorn Media

Merry Christmas! To all godly sinners, Merry Christmas! - Warhorn Media


Audio of Merry Christmas! Warhorn Blog Posts | To all godly sinners, Merry Christmas!

I don’t get it. How can the little babies get reparations when every last one of them was murdered before they could complain. They have no descendants.

But hey, it’s California

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Blacks for reparations claim their right to murder babies. Utterly degraded hypocrisy. Call them out on it. “Reparations” brought up?

Say you’re for it but can’t figure out how murdered babies w/no descendants can be compensated #babyreparations


“Aaron’s Rod Blossoming” by Gillespie: “The power desired to elderships is not to judge men’s hearts, but to judge of external evidences.” Excommunication is no judgment of a man’s soul, but his words and actions. #goodshepherd