Bayly's daily

Been saying for years Tim Keller’s worst influence has been his running the table on reformed homiletics. Everyone wants to be like Tim, and thus it was that reformed preaching died. False Teaching Among the Prominent Non-Confessional Reformed: From Lordship Salvation To Today’s Christianity And Culture In the PCA

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Audio of “All Scripture is God-breathed” (1st in a series) Warhorn Blog Posts | All Scripture is God-breathed (1)

The pulpiteer loves hisself Out of Our Minds | How to preach, Part 1

“Special rights?” What they’re really afraid of is SCOTUS removing gags placed over the mouths of Christians and the censorship of Scripture and Scripture’s God in American workplace. IOW, 1st Amendment rights. Supreme Court could turn every workplace into a religious battleground in Groff v. DeJoy - Vox

Responding to China’s 1,000,000 population decline this past year: Peter Kalmus, a climate scientist at NASA, argued population decline shouldn’t be viewed “as a terrible thing,” pointing instead to “exponentially accelerating global heating and biodiversity loss.” Misanthrope

Churches/deacons/home fellowship groups: check out this announcement yesterday of the Welcome Corps which will allow groups of five people to sponsor refugees, personally. Fact Sheet - Launch of Welcome Corps- Private Sponsorship of Refugees - United States Department of State

The men I warned against bare no slightest resemblance to the Apostle Paul who described his own helpfulness as a shepherd as never stopping warning the sheep, doing so house to house, day and night, with tears. If there’s a simpleton who thinks this sort of pastoral care is typical of the celebrity Christian leaders I was warning against, I move on to those with ears to hear.

What I’ve seen, more than once, is when senior pastors are in a position to hire a second-in-charge - and then does so with the express intention of that man being hired to do the pastoral work, so that the senior pastor can get on with teaching and administration.

More positively, from the church I’m in now: the Rector hired someone to be responsible for pastoring, but then decided six months down the track that he far preferred being a pastor to being an administrator. So he and his second-in-charge swapped roles, so that the now-former Rector could concentrate on, well, being a shepherd - much closer to his heart.


America’s richest corporations promoting LGBTIQ+ perversions at Davos

The vulnerability of a thirty-two-year-old pastor The kindness of the Lord: a pastor's life (12) - Warhorn Media


Another aspect of this: knowing when to call it a day. An example:

Megachurch Pastor Mike Glenn Sets Example for All Christians by Stepping Down — Charisma News

In my adult life, I’ve been in two churches where the senior pastor stayed on well past his “best-before” date, and two more when the pastor did leave and still had “gas in the tank”. It’s a hard thing to judge, I admit!

Audio of “All Scripture is God-breathed” (the second in this series on modern Bible products) Warhorn Blog Posts | All Scripture is God-breathed (2)

The sheep are at peace. Why sound these warnings against the corruption of Scripture in modern Bible products? All Scripture is God-breathed (4) - Warhorn Media

Men might wonder whether I am insane given how few join in giving public warnings about the deletion of God’s words from current Bible products?

Well, the answer has to do with sober judgment. I’d be inclined to think I was wrong if the men I love argued with me, but they don’t. So I attribute the reigning silence to something other than these warnings being wrong.

Cut this one b/c brother pointed out they were using “seize” in technical legal sense, and not melodramatically.

As fogs obscure the light,
And taint the morning air;
But soon are put to flight,
If the bright sun appear;

Thus Jesus will our troubles chase,
By shining from the throne of grace.

-John Newton on Hannah’s prayer


Today’s Sanctity of Life Sunday when U.S. Christians confess our sin of abortion.

Here’s the first chapter in Evangel Presbytery’s “Abortion and the Church.” Just read these 31 pages and you’ll understand:


Audio recording of “Abortion and the Church.” First in the series. This is a recording of the book’s preface. Abortion and the Church | Audio 1: Abortion and the Church (Preface)

Self-murder is a crime against humanity. “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

Self-murder is defiance of the Living God. Christian, say it. Condemn it. With understanding and compassion.

Audio of “All Scripture is God-breathed” (the third in this series on modern Bible products)

"it’s entirely natural for us moderns to be understanding and sympathetic to Bible scholars and publishers who are gagging God at these places. Who wants the Bible to give moderns an excuse to judge God or His Word as anti-Semitic, homophobic, demeaning of older women, pro-slavery, and sexist? "

Audio of “The kindness of the Lord: a pastor’s life (11)”

Fact is I woke up burdened with guilt. There was no question I had gone into the PC(USA) against my knowledge of God’s Law. It was overwhelming and it grew day by day, month by month