Bayly's daily

Pastor Tim sat down again with pastor and economist Jürgen von Hagen to discuss the religion of global warming. It is the nature of mankind to want to be involved in something big. What’s bigger than acting to save the Earth? Yet, basing our actions and governmental policies on scientific models is a complicated venture. What does Scripture say about global warming? What is the solution to global warming? What is the greatest natural resource available? Should you leave your car running when you pop into the grocery store? Is God sovereign over global warming? What are the creation commandments and do they offer any answers?

Putin’s right, although President Trump’s indictments are equally the persecution of we “deplorables” who elected him President.

A nation divided against itself cannot stand. Start with the slaughter of babies by bloody Democrats. Putin Calls Trump Charges Political ‘Persecution’ - WSJ

New R.C. Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum near D.C. demands faculty/students/parents take Pius X’s “Oath Against Modernism.” Read it.

Oath condemns all denials of Papacy’s claim to Divine authority. This is an oath of submission to Trent and Pope Francis…

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Such bad choices between colleges today. Our legacy Christian colleges are nothing more than hothouses of heresies lite with Bible and theology taught by the effete.

Really, there are only five or so choices retaining any claim to “not dead yet” Christian orthodoxy, and those five are busy converting students to millenarianism, sacramentalism, and medievalism.

Anyone up for starting over again?

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New Reformed college should be attached to major university w/cross registration. Students should not be up on Lookout Mountain or off in boonies. College should be in Boston, Ann Arbor, Madison, Urbana, Bloomington, Austin, D.C., LA. Good orthodox Reformed church a MUST.

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Rule of law has become a banana republic joke down in Atlanta. Democrats have lost their minds. They’re frothing at the mouth.

PCA Search Committees Pulpit Committees looking for a pastor. This is the best source for background information on pastors.

42,300 views and counting…

Meaning the students would take some (all?) classes at e.g. UMichigan and get credit at New Reformed U? Interesting idea.

Yes, that’s sort of the idea. But not “all.” Nowhere near.

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It’s a clever idea, to attach a religious education to an already-existing system. Has anyone done anything like it before? Maybe something like the way Five College Consortium students in Massachusetts’s Pioneer Valley can take classes at the other schools? If you pick a low-cost state school to ride on top of, it would be a cost-saver, for sure.

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This is something I have longed for while taking classes at IU Bloomington. Thankfully, my relationship with some of the New Geneva men has allowed me to sharpen iron with them over what we are learning in our respective classes. I sometimes think that Christians who look down at the academy (and there are so many reasons to do so) close themselves off to education they won’t typically find at a traditional seminary.

Last year I took a class on sexuality in the Old Testament. Yes, at IU… Our textbook was the Old Testament. All we did was read it together and discuss it. It was essentially a hermeneutics class. Although my professor was a liberal Jewish woman, she was very honest with the text and let it speak for itself and subsequently taught that it was thoroughly patriarchal (which is hilarious considering what some legacy seminaries teach about biblical sexuality). We also took Scripture and brought it into conflict (and the professor was very clear that it was in conflict) with Marxist, feminist, and critical theorist hermeneutics. Sounds scary, but all it did was show me the deficiencies, contradictions, and dishonest manipulations of such blasphemous interpretations of Scripture. Overall, that class helped me further understand patriarchy as rooted in creation and the OT. We covered lots of biblical texts that I’ve rarely seen discussed in modern theological works on sexuality. On top of that, the class was a good opportunity for me to witness to other students and to the professor. Early in the semester I told her that I was a conservative Calvinist who believed in patriarchy. And God was very kind to me and granted me favor in her eyes. She was very open to my contributions in class, including my criticisms of her understanding of Scripture. I praise God that I had the opportunity to leaven that class!


Premarital counseling mostly a bust. Things you see/warn them abt don’t get purchase. Starry eyes. Beyond around 4 sessions on sex/money, give them questionnaire abt background (esp. past sexual sins, which you must know and work through w/them prior to marriage). But then, say you want to meet few months after wedding. #goodshepherd


What’s really needed in premarital counselling is to show them you love them and have faith that God will teach and help them in the inevitable difficulties they will face.

That when they face them, you are there and will help, tenderly. #goodshepherd

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What’s right abt millenarians and post-mils is their focus on the authority and kingdom of God. With pre-mils and dispensationalists/Evangelicals of the Left Behind sort, you can feel their relief as they pronounce, “This world’s just gonna burn.”

Dad always said about Evangelicals that it seemed as if getting saved was all that mattered, and it would be fine with them if Christians died and went to Heaven immediately afterward.


21st in series on life of young presbyterian pastor starting out in Wisconsin’s rural dairyland. Most excellently married, this man and his wife were still welcoming children into their love. He had much to learn. His people were kind enough to teach him. The kindness of the Lord (21) - Warhorn Media

Audio of The Kindness of the Lord (21)

President says this about his son, Hunter: “First of all, my son has done nothing wrong. I trust him. I have faith in him.”

Asked how charges against his son will affect his presidency: “It impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him.”

Not being mean, but one kinda hopes he’s senile. For Hunter’s sake.

NASB95: “Listen to Me, O house of Jacob, And all the remnant of the house of Israel, You who have been borne by Me from [fn]birth And have been carried from the womb."

Footnote: “Literally ‘the belly.’”

“Belly” and “birth” are quite different. Think abortion. #Biblestraightup

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Pastors, elders, and their helpmates: you are weary? Join us 2023 Shepherds Conference - NEW GENEVA ACADEMY


Legacy of Darrell Bock/Phil Ryken @ Wheaton College will be their release yesterday of this effete Woke denunciation of J. Oliver Buswell, a man orders of magnitude greater in his leadership for justice & truth than these 2 men jointly
