Bayly's daily

Can hear many responding fathers failed their children and govt had to promote women authorities. Not so. Transfer of authority of men to women is fundamental ideological commitment of Western society. It’s absurd to say abdicating fathers are to blame—not rebellious mothers. #GodFatherAlmighty

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“Orthodox Church of Ukraine …opposes Istanbul Convention against Domestic Violence (for using word ‘gender,’ which offended church teaching about the sexes).” -Politico

Orthodox get it. Do we? “Sex” is God’s two. “Gender” is man’s infinite plasticity. #MaleorFemale

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Our Lord is the Head of the Church. Your husband or dad is not a pastor b/c he’s your husband or dad. A couple families w/a couple dads are not Christ’s Church. Home churches with self-appointed pastors and elders are high places. Submit to pastors and elders who aren’t your dad.

This was really helpful. Some good considerations that hadn’t occurred to me before.

Is there a reading list you and Pastor von Hagen recommend? Got discolored concrete, siding, shower tile, grout? Wet and Forget is great. Mix it w/5 parts water, spray on, and that’s it. Used to spend many hours powerwashing. It’s Labor Day & it’ll improve your labor. #baylyhints

Labor Day work trick: when you’re screwing on anything from nut on bolt, lid on jar, hose on faucet, don’t begin by turning it clockwise. Instead, begin by turning it counterclockwise. Do it slowly and feel for a subtle click. When you feel it, reverse your turns to clockwise and you won’t be cross threaded. #Baylyhint

Labor Day & vacuums: best suction/cleaning is central vac. Don’t have one? Then for cars/flooding/filth: $75 for cheap wet/dry shop vac. Carpet: $50 for used Oreck. Daily cleanup/bare floors: $200 for cordless knockoff (we use Tineco). Vacs r not fashion statements. #baylyhints

Labor Day is 4th so one more hint: if it’s hot and your AC stops, check your AC air filter FIRST b/4 calling $$HVAC men. If filter is dirty, put in new one. (You keep new ones on hand, right?) Then, after letting ice on your coil melt, turn AC back on & good to go. #baylyhints

Labor Day Doctrine: It was while in perfection of Garden of Eden God commanded man to work. Work is not bad. It is God’s blessing. For men. For women. For your children. Bless your children by teaching them to work and to love working. #fatherhood

Maybe Juergen does, but don’t know what I’d suggest other than study of occurrences of words like “sojourner” (גֵּר) used 92 times in Old Testament. Approximate definition is “foreigner” or someone without inherited rights.

Also, it would be good to read the history of Third Reich trying to offload their Jews into other countries. Like US which refused to take them—and thus Hitler moved to “the final solution.” Dad wrote about this shame of ours in his monthly column, “Out of My Mind,” in December 1961 issue of Eternity magazine. (Text follows.) Love,

The attack upon a Church of Christ mission station in Jerusalem several months ago has delighted Arabs, embarrassed Jewish leaders, and puzzled Christians.

Writing in the Congress Bi-Weekly, Cornell U. law professor Milton R. Konvitz considers the reasons behind this particular attack and general Jewish hostility to Christian missions.

In Israel today, according to Dr. Konvitz, there are 700 Roman Catholic missionaries belonging to 30 different orders, and 200 Protestant missionaries belonging to 18 denominations. At one time 2500 to 3000 Jewish children were enrolled in Christian mission schools; today only about 1300 are left.

Dr. Konvitz places the blame for unfriendliness largely upon “fundamental, evangelical churches-like the one that was attacked,” which go in for “soul-snatching” activities, especially concentrating upon children.

But there is a larger, historical reason for the hostility, which Dr. Konvitz states in his conclusion. “Jewish people everywhere who have been fortunate enough lo survive Nazism and the Nazis . . . cannot forget that Christian nations closed their hearts as well as their ports to the admission of Jewish refugees who knocked on their gates and consciences. Where at that time were the Christian missions to the Christians! Jews, in and out of Israel, cannot help but ask if Christian missionaries come with clean hands, and with hearts in the place where one suspects there are only stones. He who comes to save my soul must demonstrate that his own soul has been saved.”


What do the Jews remember?

A trench two blocks long, 12 feet wide, six feet deep, “filled to overflowing with bodies of women, children, old men, boys and girls in their teens . . . frozen pools of blood . . . children’s caps, toys, ribbons, baby bottles and rubber pants . . . torn off hands and feet . . . everything spattered with blood and brains.” (Russian officers’ evidence, Trial of the Major War Criminals, VII, 494, quoted by, Malcolm Hay, Europe and the Jews, Beacon Press, 1950.)

Another time, another place. Here a great mound of earth, several hundred feet long, more than six feet high—“a good shooting range.” Several trucks packed with people, other people of all ages undressing, piling their clothes and shoes in neat bundles . . . guards with whips . . . the sound of shooting behind the earthworks.

“The mothers undressed little children without screaming or weeping . . . They stood around in little family groups, kissed each other, said farewells, and waited. I watched a family of about eight persons, a man and woman about fifty, with their grown up children . . . An old woman with snow-white hair was holding a little baby in her arms, singing to it and tickling it. The baby was cooing with delight . . .”

And then the SS man on the other side of the mound shouted, and the next batch of people—including the family of eight—was led through an opening and down into a pit nine feet deep. There, lying naked on top of other naked Jews dead and dying, they were shot in the back of the neck. (Evidence of a German witness, Ibid.)


Soon after the end of World War 2, I was in Europe for a Christian student camp. In the cabin for which I was responsible were six or seven German students, all of whom had served in Hitler’s army.

Several of these young Germans had come from Christian homes.

One night we were talking about the war, and they told of refusing to take dancing lessons because their parents had taught them that dancing was wrong. This decision had meant sacrifice, they said, since social dancing was required of officer candidates and they had thus missed out on promotion.

I remember my feeling of surprise. Christians were the same everywhere—they weren’t afraid to speak out, even against Hitler, when it came to social dancing.


During the trial of Adolph Eichmann, the Jerusalem Post Weekly reported a courtroom class between defense counsel Dr. Robert Seryatius and prosecution witness Dr. Salo Baron, Jewish historian at Columbia U.

"The theme of this debate could be summed up as predestination versus moral choice. Dr. Servatius’ questions and answers posed the problem: how can you blame a man who is swept forward by the onrushing tide of history? This is destiny. The end result of the Nazi extermination program was not the liquidation of Jewry, but its revival in a free and flourishing state. Why punish a man who was only an instrument of this historical destiny?

“Dr. Baron answered that each man has a moral responsibility to himself, to mankind and to God, and even the most fervent Christian believers in predestination believed firmly that criminals should be punished on this earth. It was the duty of each man [in the Nazi state] to look into his heart and decide that he could break away from the madness which enveloped a hysterical and insane mass movement.”

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New York Times: “Amid Rain and Mud, Climactic ‘Burn’ Is Delayed at Burning Man Fest”

Burning Man makes Las Vegas look like convent. Filthy deep in mud this year like their much-ballyhooed Woodstock. End it as they end themselves: torch the man. Cremation. #Christianburial

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Anything you’d recommend on economics?

Juergen is in transit back to Germany today, but I’ve forwarded him your question and think he’ll be able to respond soon. Love,

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Chinese premier or presbyterian pastor? Poor guy. Probably just got back from vacation. China's Xi Jinping rebuked by elders at secret meeting ahead of G20: Report | World News - Hindustan Times

So Nature has just announced the creation? manufacture? of a non-embryo embryo. Read the link. They report UK law sets the limit on embryo experimentation at 14 days b/c that, they tell us, is the “point at which organs like the brain begin to develop.”

But Jesus was an embryo less than 14 days old in Blessed Mary’s womb when John the Baptist in Elizabeth’s womb jumped for joy. So truth is, UK law requires scientists who created each of these lives to kill each of these lives before their brain develops. But then what abt all the in vitro little ones kept frozen in fertility clinics for years? Are they allowed b/c they don’t continue “to develop?”

The entire embryo manufacturing industry is built on the same justifications used by the people of God using IUDs and all methods of hormonal birth control, which is that life does not begin at conception and so it doesn’t matter if you mess around w/ these little ones. They’re non-embryo embryos. They’re non-person persons.

God’s people must repent of our constant murder of our little ones less than 14 days old. Each of them is created by God in His Own Image. Each of them shares his embryonic existence with the Lord Jesus.


Then there’s this:

Sounds really cool until you read how they did it:

The research involved creating human-pig chimeric embryos containing a combination of human and pig cells. When transferred into surrogate pig mothers, the developing embryos were shown to have kidneys that contained mostly human cells…

… Aside from the kidneys, the embryos were dominated by pig cells, with very few human cells in the brain or central nervous system. The potential for a humanised brain is a serious ethical concern for research involving hybrid embryos and one of the reasons for tight legal restrictions on research in many countries.

A central challenge would be to allow human nerves and vasculature to develop within the target organ without nerve cells developing in the central nervous system that could lead to a humanised brain. “Even theoretically it’s not clear how you’d do that,” said Ilic.

Tower of Babel

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Buy and read this first printing of “Abortion and the Church.” This is the most important book of the year. Christian release of the year. It’s now in print and was released today. Get copies to give to your friends, elders, and pastor. Read it to your wife. Stop the bloodshed IN the Church. Abortion and the Church Available in Paperback - Warhorn Media

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If this is in reference to the “humanized kidneys” that Pastor Joseph was posting about, I was thinking “Noah’s Flood”, myself.

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This seems to be to be the primary ethical concern with this research. From my reading so far artificial embryos manufactured from ‘reprogrammed cells’ with neither sperm nor egg can’t be considered human life (any more than an individual organ is a human life) and despite mimicking life in the first few days in all likelihood can’t even continue to advance to any developmentally significant stage. And, given the still abysmal success rate for something like IVF, I have a hard time believing that artificial embryos will ever really take off as a form of technology. Rather like cloned animals. Happy to be corrected on the science by someone closer to the field than I am, but it seems to me the primary gain in such research is learning how these things work at the molecular level rather than being able to mass produce artificial beings.

But the main problem is the continuing disregard for already existent human life…embryos already formed from human egg and sperm. And the more we delve into artificial attempts at human life, the more indifferent we are to actual human life.

I’m less concerned about the potential to create an artificial embryo or womb than I am about the callous misuse of the real embryos and wombs God has already given us.

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