Bayly's daily

Gordon Moore died this past week at 94. Moore’s Law: the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years. #manknowsnot


Wow! Just wow! She’s sure enough doing her part for the ongoing stability of Scandinavia’s social welfare systems. Makes perfect sense they call her the “great” Dane.

But who named her “Virginia?” Aren’t there any typically Danish names for women?

Libs are lawless. Abortion, sodomy, and censoring Twitter speech abt Hunter Biden are same DNA now prosecuting Pres Trump on election accounting rules. Essence of liberalism is lawlessness. “Go ahead. Vote for Trump. See what it gets you.” #Trumpindicted

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Give yourself to work of reform. Yeah, it’s blood/sweat/tears. Gets you hated. Never furthered by men who want to impress others w/arcane theological discussions. But the rewards? Awesome! Such fruit.

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The Reformation restored truth to worship of God’s people by restoring preaching to center of worship and Word of God to center of preaching. A necessary correlate to Reformers’ restoration of truth was the removal of most of Rome’s idolatrous beauty. Keller, worship, and truth, beauty, and goodness - Warhorn Media

Apple’s new classical music app includes which classical composer?

Frank Zappa.

“Silence is violence” will always be “Don’t tread on me”. Moral aggression and moral imperialism will always defeat “leave me alone”. …And we see it play out over and over and over in how aggressively – whatever you want to call them: the Democrats, the left, the regime – have weaponized all the institutions that they control.

  • Darren Beattie in interview w/Glenn Greenwald

This includes the church, liberal and conservative. Permission to ordain women becomes requirement to ordain women. Revoice allowed becomes the PCA’s sexual orthodoxy which is why Steve Warhurst’s speech was condemned by 220 pastors during the PCA General Assembly. When faithful men are silent, evil’s dominion and rule and oppression grows. There is never any truce, although conservatives fool themselves into thinking so. #goodshepherd


No reformed denomination in North America is reforming itself, let alone the broader church. Tell us where you see any fire burning? Smoke? #semperreformanda

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To be carefully wrong is definition of decadence. Conservative church promotes decay, but at rate we scheme will be imperceptible to our credulous religious constituents. Neutered Bibles, majority-female search committees, Revoice…

And our heroes are those who do this best.

When church gave up Creation Order male authority, turning it into male authority as private Christian rule for church/home, we guaranteed end of Creation Order male&female. CBMW/Revoice r matched pair. Either male/female Creation Order is Divine universal. Or not. #CreationOrder

"But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. (1Timothy 2:12-13)

Jesus said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one?’” (Matthew 19:4-5)



God’s Creation Order of male and female: when God plants the flag, no retreat can ever be strategic. Seminary profs don’t get this, but pastors do. Which is reason churches need to take back training of shepherds. #NGA


Another thought on this: the churches which have not gone overboard on the visual arts, have often done so with their music, where the sung worship is allowed to take primacy over the preaching of the Word, and the touchstone then becomes “the quality of the music” - however understood.


It’s long been common knowledge that Roman Catholic seminaries and priests are pervasively gay. Rome requires celibacy, thus prohibiting God’s remedy of marriage. Similarly, PCA’s Revoicers pronounce their refusal to avail themselves of God’s remedy by marrying. They claim they can’t, but that’s bunk. They can. They simply won’t. Read the stats and history of bisexuality.

Rejecting marriage gives us over to burning (1Cor7:9), and Baltimore shows us the results. Awful.

Marriage is God’s remedy for lust. Marriage is God’s protection of those lust turns to when marriage is rejected.

Gay pride? No.

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Same is true w/regard to RC priests of Baltimore’s rape/molestation of girls. When we reject God’s remedy, our pride bears the fruit of… Horror

Can we pls learn the truth of God’s Word, that it is “better to marry than to burn” (1Cor7:9)? #PCARevoice Read the Catholic church sexual abuse report from the Maryland Attorney General – Baltimore Sun

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Does the way God comes to men and women differ by sex?

America’s security state calls any truth they want hidden “misinformation” & uses social media/big tech as enforcers. “Misinformation” should be focus of our closest attention. #deathoftruth

Same people killing preborn children ask if owning pets is “ethical?” Here’s Christian talking point confessing Christ today. God has not placed His image in animal. Only Adam and his descendants. #confessingChrist

Under Ezra God’s people put away pagan wives/children. Teach covenant children faithline trumps bloodline. That your Father is God the Father Almighty, and your true sons/daughters are those who love Your Father. #Christianchildren

Audio recording No. 15 of Evangel Presbytery’s “Abortion and the Church.” “Many Christians are sympathetic to arguments in favor of aborting little ones conceived through rape and incest…” Abortion and the Church | Audio 15: Abortion and the Church; Chapter 2 (Abortion's assault upon God's character and law); Section 6a (Dealing with common justifications for abortion: rape and incest)