I’m looking for tips on starting a podcast, specifically how to invest my limited funds and time.
I’ve been an avid listener of podcasts for many years. Because of their impact on me, I’ve long desired to be a creator. I’m now at the point where I could put some money into getting started, and others have encouraged me to go for it. I’m expecting to self-fund a pretty simple operation for the foreseeable future.
I’d probably work from my Windows laptop, but I also have an iPad Pro. I’ve used Audacity a little, and will keep learning and using that unless someone convinces me otherwise. I’ll be mobile in the sense of meeting with co-hosts and/or interviewing people at various locations. I have one cheap microphone kit that I planned to start with, but I don’t plan on being the only voice, so…
What would you Warhorn guys (@nathanalberson ) say are the most important investments I need to make to get started? I’m also open to any other advice you want to give, or from anyone else with podcasting experience. Gracias.
I’ll leave advice on recording itself to others, but you’ll also need to choose a podcast host. We are currently using Simplecast.com. They aren’t one of the cheap (or even free) ones, but they are definitely simple to use.
If you want something just to get you started, get yourself an Audio Technica ATR-2100. It’s a usb mic, really great for the price, and when you decide to get an XLR audio interface later on, it has a jack for that, too. It’s a fantastic starter mic. You should get a pop filter for that one, though.
I second Simplecast. It’s cheap for what it is; you don’t need to worry about bandwidth or anything, and they make things very easy. They’re innovative without trying to be controlling over the podcast landscape, and that’s good for you and your listeners.
Like Nathan said, Audacity or any other free audio editing program is fine to start with. Once you start hitting limits or want to customize your workflow together, then buy yourself more serious editing software.
Big shoutout to @themast and the guys at Tech Reformation for finding and using Simplecast which allowed @jacob.mentzel to discover it right before we launched Sound of Sanity. We needed a host that allowed for multiple shows and multiple users, and our previous host didn’t offer either. I had just decided we would have to settle for a sub-par solution when Jake told me to check out http://www.techreformation.com