Vaccine Mandates

What principle are you dying for specifically?

Read above.

You are going to die over the principle of not letting the Government make you get a vaccine? Or is the principle personal liberty?

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Well, I don’t intend to die but we can cross that bridge when we get there.

Jesus told Pilate the only authority he had was that which was given to him. Jesus through John the Baptist rebuked Herod for his sinful behavior. The prophets all rebuked kings for their playing God.

There is a ton of good reformed works that speaks against tyranny.

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Did God forbid kings from taking a census in his law? Was Joab sinning by refusing to complete David’s command to do a census?

I don’t know the answer to the first question. But it is my understanding that Joab didn’t refuse, but indeed performed the census, albeit inadequately.

John 19:10-11:

“So Pilate *said to Him, “Are you not speaking to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?” Jesus answered him, ‘You would have no authority over Me at all, if it had not been given to you from above; for this reason the one who handed Me over to you has the greater sin.’”

Are you saying Jesus denied Pilate had the authority he claimed? It seems to me that Jesus rather affirms that Pilate has the authority he claims and contrasts it with others. So even though Pilate’s action was wrong, apparently it wasn’t tyranny.


I dunno. I think it could have still been tyranny. I don’t know that Jesus was affirming Pilate’s moral license to do what he was doing, so much as he’s simply affirming the sovereignty of the Father, who gave power to Pilate to do that which God had purposed. Gets into the whole prescriptive will vs. decreed will thing.

Also, when he says the one who handed him over had the “greater” sin, there seems to be an affirmation that Pilate was, in fact, sinning?


Are you kidding me? Crucifying the innocent Lord of glory isn’t tyranny? It was quintessential tyranny. It was Tyranny with a capital T.


Here’s the Son of David, in His own capital city, being ruled to death by some pig-gentile. Tyranny? Illegitimacy? Biden has nothing on Pilate. Yet Jesus affirms Pilate’s authority to judge. I’m shocked and scandalized by this.

“My kingdom is not of this world.”


Of course it was sin. As I said, it was wrong.

I’m advocating that the word “tyranny” be defined a little closer than “anything somebody in authority does that is wrong.”


What is tyranny then? It might be helpful to having an agreed upon definition for us all to work with. Obviously Pilate was a tyrant. He only was able to do what God had given him to do. He didn’t hold authority in and of himself. This is itself a statement against the Roman system

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Frankly, this is why conservatives always lose. Rather than being loyal to our people against our enemies, we run in circles about principle, definitions of words, and treat every occasion of conflict as something we are supposed to dutifully suffer through rather than support our people and defeat our enemies.

Who cares what “tyranny” is?

We have a man who literally wants to cut off the penis and breasts of children, fund abortions, destroy small businesses, kill American soldiers, fund our enemies, support the Davos agenda, and inject a foreign substance into our bodies or else ruin our lives and we are sitting here debating whether Potius Pilate was a tyrant for crucifying Christ.

This is a losers mentality and it is why we lose and will continue to lose. This is one of the easiest scenarios in the history of America.

Pilate was sinning by putting Christ to death.

But he was not sinning because his office and power were tyrannical. Jesus affirms that the power for him to execute and exercise authority was given to him by the Sovereign God.

The office and the power weren’t sin. To use the power to put the Lord of glory to death was sinful because it went against the duties Pilate was assigned by God as a civil magistrate. It was an unlawful killing. Christ was innocent.

Despite this, Jesus affirms that Pilate’s sin is lesser than the Jews’. Pilate didn’t desire his death, but was only acting on behalf of the Jews who handed Christ over with murderous intent. Pilate’s sin is unlawful use of the sword, which God rightfully gave him. The Jews had no sword from God and used the Roman sword to put their Messiah to death, which is way worse.


Have you ever read about Caesar? The question is not whether these things are wicked. The question is how Christians should respond. Your response is close to “pick up a gun and start shooting people who try to do these things.” Have you given any thought to what the loser the Apostle Peter said to Christians in similar circumstances?


I listened through all 179 episodes of the history of Rome podcast in addition to other reading, so yes I do know about Caesar. And Peter was not a loser. Neither is what I am saying in conflict with him.

Can you point me to where he instructs anything like what you are saying? I can point you to many warnings against your position.

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Lucas Weeks told me not to comment anymore or he would ban me so I won’t comment anymore.

I’m really puzzled by this. Romans 13:1 says that there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God.

Are you saying that there are authorities that hold authority apart from the Father of Authority? And that would be better than the types of authorities represented by the Roman imperial system under which Paul wrote and the Lord suffered?