The relationship between Church, Christians and State

Thanks for your response, Daniel, but you addressed Q. 130. I am interested to hear how you apply Q. 129 regarding your subordinates in the workplace.

Dear Joel, though I am somewhat of a part-time team lead of a small team with informal responsibility for those men, I think a point-by-point of my practice with regard to each of the duties enumerated in Q129 is more than what I want to do at the moment. I get the feeling that there’s one of the duties called for by Q129 that you’re uneasy about. Can you point out that one(s) so that I can be more focused in my response? Or did I miss the boat entirely.

Thanks, Daniel. For the sake of argument, let’s imagine that you have formal supervisory responsibility.

Q. 129 says superiors have the duty to “instruct, counsel, and admonish” their inferiors and “[provide] for them all things necessary for body and soul.” Is this limited only to job-related activities, or should the supervisor chastise his subordinate for sexual sin, such as after-hours fornication, and provide for his subordinate’s soul by requiring attendance at a workplace Bible study?

I’ll answer yes (but not to requiring attendance). Both for the exact sins you mention and for whatever else also. It’s not easy. It rarely works. But it does work sometimes. Glory to God for the unforeseen fruit. It never plays out the way I expect it to.

and “[provide] for them all things necessary for body and soul.”

I think this responsibility must still apply when you’re a supervisor at a secular company. Here’s my swing at it: get to know the man and his sins and find a time to speak your concern privately to him–especially if the sin is one the company forbids you to address. Some men guess where you are coming from and want nothing to do with you on that level; my conscience struggles to be at peace regarding those I’ve not gotten a chance to speak to personally, but I do think that our duty is not coercion but sharing with those who will listen. On the other hand, sometimes when we think someone won’t listen it’s because we’ve been lazy and uncaring and haven’t made the effort to get to know the man – where does he spend his time? What does he love? What does he hate? What drives him?

Based on what you hear the man talk about and see him do, what’s a pebble you can put in his shoe? Then pray for him that God would make that seed grow. If he becomes hungry for the Word of God and starts asking questions, what a joy! Then your way is clearer. I don’t have experience with that yet.

As an example, there is a man at work who spends hours each week following the latest health fads. Diet and exercise are at the top of his list. He is very excited to be physically as healthy as possible–yet as far as I can tell he takes no care for his eternal soul. I am looking for an opportunity to ask him about this sometime. I don’t know that I will get the chance, because he knows where I stand (at team lunches I pray out loud on behalf of our team before we eat, thanking the Lord for the food and for our company and for the good work He’s given us) and it seems pretty clear he has no interest; but I love him and I still watch for an opportunity to say, “Hey, I see that you take much care for your body. But what are you doing to care for your eternal soul, to prepare for the Day of Judgment when we will all stand before God to give an account of our deeds?” That’s the pebble I’d like to put in his shoe. And if he’s willing we’d go from there.

There’s more you can do in a Christian company when you have support from your superiors, but particularly by making use of off-clock time (lunches etc.) I think most any job has enough flexibility that we can discharge our duty. (I’m talking about the professional sphere, since that’s what I know.)

I’m no expert at this, but these are my thoughts.


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Thanks for your response, Daniel.

What you describe are the actions of a man without real authority (an observation, not a criticism). The man may be a superior in name, but his authority over his inferiors is very strongly constrained by bureaucratic procedure, which in turn is fundamentally driven by the laws and judicial decisions enacted over the past half-century. The same would be true if he had his own business.

To reiterate my previous point, our society has traded personal authority for impersonal authority, something which I believe is a genuinely new development in history. Perhaps it is better this way, or perhaps not, but it is certainly different from the way our ancestors lived. I am not a historian, but I expect Daniel and the Westminster divines would be astounded by the degree to which the highest order of government comprehensively regulates the conduct occurring in lowest of private businesses and associations. A Christian businessman ordinarily may be able to hire or fire at will and engage in transactions with whom he wishes, but when it comes to dealing with legally protected classes, that freedom is gone. Note that the sex of a person, sexual orientation, and sex identity are all protected classes, or soon will be.

When we read the example of Daniel in the Bible, we must not assume he lived in the same legal environment that we do. For example, Daniel’s enemies could find no wrongdoing in his stewardship for the king (Dan. 6:4) because all Daniel had to do was follow the moral law. But with the myriad of laws and regulations today, so much so that no one can keep track of it all, it will be easy to demonstrate that a Christian is guilty of breaking the law (positive law, not moral law) at one point or another. Similarly, since Daniel was not burdened by the maze of laws we have today, he was able to easily avoid the widespread idolatry of his day such that his enemies were forced to contrive a special law to catch him, and it was a clear black/white decision for him to make (Dan. 6:5-9). For us, there is no escape, and decisions are much more gray.


The American Revolution promised the rule of law rather than the rule of men. What we’ve gotten is the rule of a million DMV clerks tapping their long fingernails against the desk while they pretend not to understand what your problem is.


The only thing worse that I’ve experienced was a butch security guard at the USCIS office (a law unto herself) yelling at me for coming up to the checkpoint holding my child, rather than one at a time. And then threatening to have me thrown out when I was disgusted with her. Of course, throwing us out would have threatened our multi-year adoption process. Everybody there was in a similar situation where they couldn’t risk missing their appointment. She had everybody by the short-hairs and she knew it, and it was because of the absolute authority wielded by the bureaucratic process she was guarding. Crazy.

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Note that I have nothing against law, policy, and procedure in principle – they are indispensable for administering an organization or nation with justice. Neither do I think any earthly authority should be absolute. Also, I acknowledge that we need more law and regulation than in previous centuries due to our technologically complex and globally interconnected society. But we should recognize that our culture hates authority and has erected a forest of laws and regulations to minimize personal authority and thus (so it is thought) maximize personal freedom. The problem with this approach is that authority doesn’t go away, and we have simply traded personal authority for impersonal authority.

Perhaps impersonal authority is better, but it has the great disadvantage that it lacks accountability. When someone has personal authority, he is accountable to his superior, or at least to God, for his actions and the delegated actions of his inferiors. But the impersonal authority of bureaucracy spreads out accountability so that no particular individual can be held to account, so long as that person adheres sufficiently closely to the official procedures. And since it is impossible to spell out a procedure for everything, no matter how much the policy manual grows, no individual is held to account except for the most egregious offenses.

Consider the situation described above at the USCIS office. In olden days, one could go to the head of the office (the superior) and complain about the abuses of the guard (the inferior), and it would be understood that the superior was responsible for addressing the actions of the inferior. If the head of the office was a righteous man, he would discipline the guard, and if he was unrighteous, he would laugh it off, but it would be understood by those around that he was acting wickedly, and one perhaps could appeal to his superior. In these days, it is likely that the head of the office cannot do anything about the guard (particularly if she is in protected class) since her actions may not rise to the level of breaking rules, or if they do, the bureaucratic procedure for discipline is too laborious and time-consuming to be worth applying. Consequently, the conscience of the head of the office is untroubled since he views himself as lacking authority to do anything (and it may we be true).


I think I understand your point better now, that we’re under a heavy yoke. And I think you’re right. I think that the way to process the current bureaucratic bondage is to see it as the same kind of thing we see throughout biblical history – that in our prosperity we have turned away from the Lord, and the Lord has sent the Midianites to oppress us. The first step is to admit that we are distressed – that there is a problem that is far beyond us in size. Then, we need to understand that this is from the Lord, in reference to our sin, and humble ourselves and seek the Lord.

We’re a nation of slaves, and what I described earlier is a way for one slave to discharge his spiritual duty to another slave while under the yoke–but don’t we long for freedom to do our brother good openly, without the threat of punishment always hanging over us? That’s what we should fast and pray and look for.


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Dear Joel, I’m dusting off this conversation thread to reply, “a man without real authority delegated by whom?” If you mean that the impetus is not from my higher-ups–it is true I have not been given a mandate from my employer regarding those things we discussed above, and if someone complained there is a substantial risk that management would not back me up in these matters. But should they not back me and I be presented with a choice to back down from this behavior or be snipped from the company, that wouldn’t prove that I had had no authority (to do these things).

The reason is, to me it’s part of loving God and loving neighbor–that’s where my authority comes from to do these things. The prophets and apostles were at times forcibly and violently stopped from their work by imprisonments and murder, but they had authority to do what they did for the Lord.

A risk of consequences is not the same as a lack of authority. We always have authority to love our neighbor, because we have God’s command, and if someone purports to make a law against such love it is void, because God has declared, “…against such there is no law.”

It sounds to me like when you talk about a lack of authority you really mean a risk of consequences. Have I misunderstood you?


Or, ala this conversation, a lack of power to enforce something. If you have the responsibility to love somebody, then you are also obviously authorized to do so. That doesn’t mean you have any direct authority over said person, but every Christian is authorized to command the world to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. We don’t have the power to make them, though.

Yes, you have misunderstood me, but perhaps you are getting closer. Maybe providing some illustrations will help.

I have authority to compel my child to engage, at least outwardly, in household worship. I do not have authority to compel another child to do so. In years long past it was understood that the master had the authority to compel his servants to engage in household worship as well, but of course he would have no authority to compel the servants of another. So how do we classify our subordinates in the workplace? Are they our servants whom we can compel to worship or not? Even if one is the owner of the business, will he not quickly get in legal trouble if he compels employees to prayer and Bible study? Could that the fact that he faces legal consequences be an indicator that his employees are, in fact, the servants of another, that is, the State?

In years long past, it was understood that the business owner could dispose of his property and his labor as he wished, but that the servant was acting according to the direction of the master. So if the master directed the servant to bake a cake that the master would later bring to a party held by the master’s friend to celebrate his new lover after he abandoned his wife, would we say that the servant sinned by merely baking a cake over which he could not control the use? And if the government can tell a baker to bake a cake for the celebration of sexual sin under legal threat of confiscating his business, could that fact be an indicator that the government rather than the baker is the true owner of the business and that the baker is actually a servant?

Of course, one shortcoming of my illustration is that servants can seek out a different master, but we under the domain of the U.S. government cannot do so.

Perhaps you would say I am rationalizing the avoidance of risk of consequences. But I do think there is something very different about authority in our current society compared to that of centuries past. Here we putatively own businesses, but the State is very directive in how we engage with employees and customers. So do some of us have the authority of a master, or are we all just servants of the State?

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I don’t think so. The king or emperor always had ultimate authority over his subjects. Subordinate authorities have lesser delegated authority. If the state claims ultimate authority and backs it up with the sword, yes, you are the slave. But that doesn’t remove all authority from you. You are also still a boss.

More importantly, even the ultimate authority of the emperor is overridden by the authority of God. This flows out in two different applicational directions. First, interposition, when necessary (read the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate for a primer). Second, even if the state is not involved, figuring out what the positive command to love your neighbor does and does not compel you to do vs allow you to do vs forbid you from doing. This is largely driven by wisdom and conscience.

Yes, that’s true, but that is not what I had in mind.

What I mean is different now is that authority is much more divided, diffuse, and impersonal. Instead of a king or emperor, the sovereign in our polity is the incoherent mass of the voting public, all 200+ million of them. The lesser magistrates from the President, Congress, and Supreme Court all the way down (not to mention parallel structures among the states) have delegated authority, but of a very mixed kind that allows them to take certain actions and not others, all according to a vast number of laws and regulations. It is rare that any magistrate has full authority over those under him or is under full authority to those above him, but instead an astounding (to our ancestors) amount of bureaucracy and policy constrains how he directs his subordinates and is directed by his superiors. This, I assert, is something that truly is new under the sun since it is something that never before occurred in history prior to a hundred or so years ago.

My purpose in developing the framework I laid out in my previous comment is so that I could wisely and in good conscience apply Q. 129 from the WLC.


Joel, understanding your thesis better I still disagree with it. Isn’t this a sentiment that times were better in the old days?

Do not say, “Why is it that the former days were better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this. - Ecclesiastes 7:10

In the past…

Daniel could carry out his tasks as he saw fit while receiving unquestioned obedience from his subordinates…until his treacherous subordinates tricked the king into forbidding him from praying to God on pain of death (which would certainly have resulted in his martyrdom if God hadn’t worked a miracle). Are the consequences we face from the bureaucrats worse than a den of lions?

Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab didn’t have a procedures manual, yet they never stopped insinuating and threatening (Nehemiah 2; 4; 6); and without God’s help they certainly would have destroyed the remnant that had returned to Judah–in the time of Ezra wicked men had already succeeded in stopping the rebuilding of the temple for a period of several years (Ezra 4).

Was it a comfort for the prophets from Abel to Zechariah that at least when they were martyred their murderers didn’t have a policy manual?

Peter and John didn’t face an array of bureaucrats with a policy manual, but rather the Sanhedrin with a bare command not to speak anymore in Jesus’ name. They could surely have complained bitterly that power was so personal and arbitrary in their day; but instead they continued to do their duty (which must have looked like folly to some!) and trusted God to take care of them.

We have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in our striving against sin, and we have not attained to our fathers. Rather than the significant difference between us and our fathers being the character of the opposition we face in our day, is it not that our fathers saw the wicked arrayed against them and yet did the faithful thing, while we remain on the threshold?


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@Joel may correct me, but I think his point was not that things used to be uniformly better in the former days. Rather, some things were simpler.

This is similar to what I was trying to ask in this post a couple weeks ago.

It’s difficult to live in a righteous manner regarding the modern bureaucratic state, not because of special persecution, but because it’s harder to figure out who we’re supposed to obey in which ways or areas.


Ok, but even in this wasn’t the feudalism of the Middle Ages a tangle of authorities with complex and overlapping and disputed boundaries?

If all we’re saying is it takes work to navigate today’s complex network of authorities I won’t argue with that; but that’s a difficulty we share with brothers from other times in history – we’re not unique.

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This is a historically inaccurate understanding. In the Middle Ages there were territorial wars between kings and disputes over the temporal power of the Church, but the essence of feudalism was the relationship between lord and vassal. Everyone up to the emperor or pope was personally under the authority of someone else, at least nominally. Our current political and societal structure is something new to history.


Not only is it less clear who Caesar is, it is less clear what is paying taxes to Caesar and what is offering a pinch of incense to Caesar. Consider the case of the Christian baker. Out of religious conviction, he does not want to bake a cake that he thinks will celebrate sexual sin. The magistrate then condemns him for his refusal, but specifically not because of the baker’s religious conviction. Instead, the baker is punished for his alleged bias against the customer. Essentially, the baker is ordered to bake the cake because baking a cake is considered to be of no religious significance. Although the baker may see it as offering a pinch to Caesar, the magistrate sees it as obstinate refusal to pay taxes. It is as if a golden statue were set up in Babylon and people were ordered to bow down, and when Daniel’s friends refused because they wouldn’t worship an idol they were told it wasn’t about worshiping an idol at all but instead they were ordered to participate along with everyone else in group calisthenics.

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“The terrible danger of our time consists in the fact that ours is a “cut flower” civilization.

-Elton Trueblood, The Predicament of Modern Man