My gut feel is that he’s right about this.
Today they’re telling us it wasn’t enough for us to give up the holy kiss of Scripture; we’re going to have to give up handshakes, also.
Somewhere recently, someone I was reading (who knows anymore?) commented that it might not be such a bad thing if we were to return to bows and curtsies when greeting one another.
I wonder - truy wonder! I’m not kidding! - what would be the result over time in a community if that were practiced routinely.
The soulish dynamic by which belief, or its absence, works itself out into behavior - that dynamic has a “reverse switch,” wherein behavior that is consistently practiced works itself into one’s beliefs. It’s a law of psychology known for many, many centuries in the Church and it goes by the name lex orandi, lex credendi.
Most of the time this law surfaces in discussions of the interplay between worship and belief. But the psychological dynamics are not confined to that sphere of life (i.e. worship and belief). The dynamic works in other areas of life as well.
My guess is that the egalitarian spirit has so thoroughly infected modern society in the West that no community would be able to consistently renovate the practice of bowing/curtsying in greeting.
Men, I suspect, could pull it off with significant effort.
Women? Fuhgeddaboudit!
It would be great to return the bow if before then we returned the holy kiss, which is a command of Scripture. Love,
Yes. One of our Founders said something like once the voter finds he can vote benefits to himself out of the public treasury, the Republic will be ruined.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Reno and Hitchens Question the Shutdown