Should Christians read fantasy? (Part 1)

New Warhorn Media post by Nathan Alberson:

I haven’t listened to this one. It’s too late for me.

Ben being sad that “all his friends were dead” when he finished LoTR reminded me of how I felt after finishing The Boys In The Boat.


I feel that way at the end of Tolstoy’s big novels, even if the characters are still with us.

You guys are so sophisticated. Ben’s comment just made me think of this book: Goodreads


Lol nice :+1::+1::+1:

I read a quote today by Stratford Caldecott that reminded me of this episode:

The Velveteen Rabbit and The Little Mermaid, The Wind in the Willows, The Snow Queen, Beauty and the Beast, and the Chronicles of Narnia… [reveal] an aspect of what it is to be truly human, not in a moralistic way by spelling out the rules and regulations of right behavior, but in a way that educates the imagination of the reader to see patterns of linking characters, decisions, and events in the real world. It is a way not just of communicating the rules, but showing how the rules work and perhaps even why they work. However fantastic and unreal the landscapes in which these stories unfold, however untrue to life they may be in a factual sense, they are true in the deeper meaning of the word, in that they reflect the way things really are. They open our eyes to look not merely at the surface of things, but at their form.


Great quote. I am reminded of Chesterton’s chapter on fairy tales in Orthodoxy, “The Ethics of Elfland.”

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