Bayly's daily

Ditto. No one does mala fide quite like Leftists, who regard their own viewpoints as default, normal and regular. Higher Ed has worked against the beliefs/interests of the ordinary Americans who pay their salaries for two or three generations now, and a political reaction to bring some accountability is at least 40 years overdue.

All they had to say was, “This [whatever “this” might be, from blasphemous art to Critical Race Theory] is controversial and we shouldn’t engage with it for the sake of the taxpayers/ordinary people in our community.” But they didn’t say that. They wanted to be transgressive! Well, enjoy.

Shame on Governors and state legislators who let this brew for decades.


Audio recording No. 9 of Evangel Presbytery’s “Abortion & the Church.”

To gain moral agency on a par with men, feminists demanded women be granted the right to kill their children. Yet when women exercised this right, they were to bear no guilt for it.

Those intent on restoring national, constitutional, or agrarian past: “If the Church were truly this permanent dissatisfaction at the heart of societies, which she ought to be, she would play a dynamic role, instead of being forever in the funeral procession of the past.” -Ellul


Old British joke: "A lecture is a way of passing knowledge from the notes of the professor to the notes of the student without passing through the minds of either.” Pastors, do you aspire to be a prof giving Sunday morning lectures? If so, resign your pastoral call. #goodshepherd (HT Ross)

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Strong tremors in Yilan County, Taiwan, just now. Shook the house. Apparently it’s a thing, here, but wow.

Attend megachurch

Go to Revoice conf

Smoke weed


It’s duty & privilege of preacher of Gospel to increase guilt in his hearers until it becomes unbearable & they do a quitclaim b4 God which we call repentance & faith. He does this by preaching God’s Law. It’s still God’s ordained Schoolmaster to lead man to Christ. #goodshepherd

Audio recording No. 10 of Evangel Presbytery’s “Abortion & the Church.”

If, for the sake of argument, we grant that the personhood of the human embryo is not yet proven to exist at fertilization, arguments based on this irrational supposition still fall flat. For, in order to justify the moral rectitude of abortion at any point, one would need to establish that there is no possibility of the abortion killing a person. Yet it is impossible to demonstrate the newly conceived embryo lacks personhood.

Audio of “The Kindness of Lord (14): a pastor’s life”
“Remember our purpose wasn’t to harass people or stick our noses into their private business. The elders were going out to ask the souls under our care if they had been hurt or offended in some way we didn’t know—was that why they never were in worship? Was there something we could do to help them return to church? The elders weren’t out to show their neighbors how much more religious they were. They were out visiting because faithful participation in worship is the main tool God uses to awaken our consciences and lead us to repentance and faith in His Son.”

Audio recording No. 11 of Evangel Presbytery’s “Abortion & the Church.”

“Much has been made in recent years of man’s squandering of the earth’s natural resources. But the resource with the most potential for the betterment and sustainability of human society is neither geological nor ecological, but anthropological. Man is the ultimate resource created by God, called by Him to “subdue” the rest of His creation. God commanded us to subdue creation, and man’s obedience to this command has been responsible for every advancement in law, medicine, politics, and art. Even conservation comes through man…” Abortion and the Church | Audio 11: Abortion and the Church; Chapter 2 (Abortion's assault upon God's character and law); Section 3 (Societal arguments)


It is the method-of-choice of all hirelings seeking to build the number of their disciples (see Galatians for this charge made by the Apostle Paul) that they flatter the sheep. But honestly, do you or your sheep need flattering? #goodshepherd

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Good work. Should have been done decades ago. Won’t hurt "institute, tho, b/c IU admin will just reshuffle finances. What should really be done is state assembly withhold our tax dollars from IU until Kinsey Institute is demolished. Completely. Indiana House strips state dollars from IU's Kinsey Institute


NTSB says Ohio train derailed from wheel bearing failure. Used to be freight car repairman (car knocker) for C&NW. Here’s a good video explaining what wheel bearings are and what happens when you have a “hot box.” Another Bad Order Hopper Car with Wheel Set Bearing Failure - YouTube

Sec. Pete Buttigieg at Ohio derailment. Reminds me of Mike Dukakis sticking his head out of tank turret back in '88. Railroads are last bastion of manhood. Big. Heavy. Dangerous. Sec. Pete should stay in DC.

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Son Taylor turned me onto this. I mean!! Guess sports is the only safe place for generalizations abt fathers and mothers today. Try to imagine any pastor saying stuff like this. He be crucified! Deion Sanders Prefers QBs From ‘Dual Parent’ Households, ‘Single Mama’ Homes For Defensive Linemen When Recruiting

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It is heartening to see red state legislatures taking action against the anti-Christ, anti-American vipers in our universities. More, please, and faster.

Any thoughts on the “debunked” accusations against Kinsey himself, Pastor Tim? The last few years have led me to identify “debunked” as corrupt media code for “this is true but we will deny it because it’s inconvenient for our ends.”

Can’t see what there is to debunk. His methods and character have been known for decades. Complete sexual debauchery personally and encouraged among his students. And then the data collection from those who committed monstrous crimes against children… I think your suspicion is right.

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Margaret Mead on Kinsey’s promotion of bestiality Indiana House defunds IU's Kinsey Institute and Indy Star lies - Warhorn Media

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Can any of us today find the faith to admit this is not the nature of self-announced super-apostles drawing the big crowds and numbers today? We may sell our conference lineup as a “gospel coalition,” but when have these famous preachers and their famous conferences resulted in registrants being “pierced to the heart” and crying out “What shall we do?”

We must guard our sheep from these men demanding their attention. They do not ever serve the needs of our sheep which their true shepherd sees and works to expose and heal. They do not call our sheep to repentance. Like Dane Ortlund of Gentle and Lowly fame, they heal the sheep lightly—meaning falsely.

Audio recording No. 12 of Evangel Presbytery’s “Abortion & the Church.”