Bayly's daily

The real problem is not BINO or PINO (PCA, RP, OPC, etc.), but CINO. We should never roll our eyes at church heresies, but bark and growl (to awaken our sheep) and file charges (to kill the thieves and wolves). This manly and faithful guarding of the good deposit is what Machen and Buswell did, and were hated for it. But they were heroes of reform and prophecy. You know, as in “Liberalism is another religion” just as “Feminism is another religion” and “Revoice is another religion” and “Wheaton is another religion.”

We have none of these men today. Where is the man whose preaching and witness has tones and words commensurate with the danger to the sheep of his flock? At 70, must I admit failure in showing us a way to do this?

Over the decades and among friends, I have very rarely known or heard of a man I know being persecuted for his work of reform of the Church, not the world. That’s where we pay the price Machen and Buswell paid. Love,


Next in the series Wheaton College & President Buswell: repentance as dramaturgy - Warhorn Media

To be honest, my thought has been only to warn the Baptists I know in NZ (thankfully, one pastor I know has responded with horror), not living in NZ or going to a baptist church myself.

What do you think the responsibility of past church members is when hearing of such evil?

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Audio recording of “Wheaton College and President Buswell: Repentance as Dramaturgy” Warhorn Blog Posts | Wheaton College & President Buswell: repentance as dramaturgy

Seven years ago, my dear brother Dave Curell came back from a pilgrimage down to Kentucky to see the eclipse. He couldn’t stop saying the word “totality,” and he spoke it with such reverence that the word took on a certain creepiness to me. Flourishing. Robust. Sustainability. Totality.

Arriving at today feeling a little suspicious, I went and joined the saints of Trinity Reformed Church and saw God’s handiwork for myself. It was just what Dave reported seven years ago. Hard to imagine if you haven’t seen it.

When totality hit, the one-word comment uttered by our granddaughter Mary Louise Weeks was, “Uh oh.”

The heavens declare the glory of God!


Commingling of Glories
From afterglow of the land of totality, reading this morning: “There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon” (1Corinthians 15:41). (Pic JTB)


Speaking of glory, imagine the Moon saying to the Sun, “I have glory too, you know! My glory is just as glorious as yours! From now on you take the night & I take the day!”

The Sun responds: “You’re right. I’m so ashamed. I’ve been such a glory hog. From now on, I take the night and you take the day.”

This is what woman has said to man and man’s response to her rebellion this past century, and the result has been as ludicrous as all rebellion against our Creator.

The sun has been trying to avoid oppressing the night and stars and sleep while the moon has been trying to grow trees and warm the earth and wake us.

“Man is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.” -1Cor 11:7


Scientism’s oppressive claim to worldwide authority. These Canaanites are a suicidal cult. Never forget this day and note it is led by Woman. Or maybe I should point out Swiss Woman. Also note this judgment comes from Bucer/Calvin’s Strasbourg Human rights violated by Switzerland inaction on climate, ECHR rules in landmark case | Climate crisis | The Guardian

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So surprised and grateful to the Vatican for this


My last update about the NZ Baptist situation - this isn’t really the place to keep posting about it, after all.

I am now in contact with the principal of Carey Baptist College and have explained my concerns. I framed my questions in terms of Carey’s beliefs and whether they will allow Krista’s evil teaching to be taught to the students.

He says it’s of concern to him, but what will come of it is yet to be seen. An unsatisfactory response will mean I post a general warning on Facebook and continue contacting the NZ baptists I know.


Dear Alistair,

This is a good place for such discussions because your actions opposing false doctrine and protecting God’s flock encourage and strengthen all of us, which is the point of this forum, I’d hope. Find the truth and defend it.

So thank you for this discussion, dear brother, and more for your faithful actions. Keep us posted, please.

Warmly in Christ,


True enough, but after five minutes in Google … why on earth did they recruit her in the first place?! That, to my mind, is the underlying issue.

They are egalitarian. They are blind to the end of the egalitarian road.

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2022 @ Wheaton average faculty all ranks earned $87k. Admin where it’s at: Provost Lee $260, VPAdvance Farney $265, VPFinance Rynbrandt $310, Pres Ryken $540… (Loads of admins @ Wheaton)

Christian higher ed profs r just hired help. #Christianhighered

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Egalitarianism is heresy. Until it’s met and opposed right there, it will continue to destroy the church and its souls. Love,


For its money, Wheaton might fire all admins, give faculty/staff $25k raise, rotate presidency thru dept chairs on 3-yr term. Copy conductorless Academy St. Martin in Fields. Dispense w/stuffed shirts/blouses. #Christianhighered


Concerning Christian higher ed, supreme duty of trustees/admin/faculty is to guard good deposit of our Most Holy Faith as well as the sheep parents have entrusted to them. Betrayal of this precious trust destroys souls and must be exposed and opposed. #Christianhighered

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Next time you read post saying “America this” or “America that” or “This is that” or “That is this,” try to imagine Jesus or the Apostle Paul wasting their time this way. #preachtheWord


New Out of Our Minds podcast

Higher ed has a problem with its GPAs. They just keep going up and up. This is not an academic problem. It has infiltrated the church where parents don’t discipline, sermons don’t discipline, and elders don’t discipline.

God still does—both now and then. We all shall stand before Him to give an account.