Bayly's daily

Someone said the PCA is meeting and having birthday party to celebrate their 50th General Assembly. Here’s a proposed addition to their Rules of Assembly Operations.

After his election, the first duty of each year’s moderator’s is to state to the assembly the name and the error of each man disciplined by his presbytery for doctrinal error over the past year.

If no one, that must be stated. Year after year after year… #PCA

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Apple is Darth Vader. But seriously, all five or six of them? Folding iPhone time? 20% of Razr owners switched from Apple

Curious, given that the iPhone is what killed the flip phone last time around. It was received wisdom for quite a while that Americans liked flip phones (Motorola Razr, from an American company) and foreigners liked non-flip phones (Nokia candy bar phone, from a Finnish company). Blackberry even went to the trouble to make a flip phone to try to cash in. Le plus ça change, I guess. Except now Motorola phones are owned by Lenovo, a Chinese company.

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Mary Lee and I returned from Taiwan for the wedding of our grandson, Jonathan Ummel, to Cynthia Spaetti. It was the consummation of a love that began the day Jonathan and Cynthia were both presented as newborns for covenant baptism by their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Adam Spaetti and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ummel, in Trinity Reformed Church’s worship service. At the wedding and reception, cousins abounded. Here’s a pic of a few belonging (as you can see) to the fairer sex. Join us in thanking God for these many blessings He has given to our children and their spouses.


Pastors say “my church,” meaning the church we serve. Better never to put it that way. Too close to what we’re tempted to think, but it’s our Lord’s Church. “His church.” #goodshepherd

Much to like abt Kennedy Jr. Has things VP Pence doesn’t have: courage; opposing NeoCons’ warmongering; hating Military-Industrial complex. Bad on anthropology, for sure. Listen to his interviews #2024

Pagan libs are screaming over this threat to their religious monopoly over public ed. “No taxes for religious ed! You’re tearing down the wall of separation between church and state!”

Don’t believe anything pagan libs say. Their lecherous, perverse, bloody religion controls our nation’s public schools. These Canaanites even spend our taxes to seduce their students into giving up their unborn babies for pagan libs’ child sacrifice rituals. Then they spend our taxes to hide this from the parents.

Pagan libs are insanely religious. Never stop saying so, Christian. #Christianwitness Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Dad’s friend graduated from Wheaton College, then pursued doctorate @ Columbia University. He told Dad of Dewey’s 90th birthday party when faculty/grads discussed public ed’s weaning students from ignorant parents.

When reading of libs’ fury at any slightest interference with public educators’ hegemony over the intellectual development of our nation’s children, remember this.


Wondering if there is any discrete stopping point for “virtual” reality short of replacing life w/idols?

Those who love and work the land are always a grave threat to intellectuals and revolutionaries, but not the proletariat. They’re good rubes—think Teamsters and United Auto Workers. Men who work the land are normally calm. Their enemy isn’t management or society denying them their fair share, but the weather.

And what are they going to do about that but read the farmer’s almanac and pray? Russian peasants and American marines - Warhorn Media

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VP Pence presents himself as Reagan 2.0, saying “most Americans treat each other with kindness and respect.” He forgets Democrats’ religion of cult prostitution. Their sacrament of child sacrifice. He forgets America today is religious warfare. Sons of Israel vs Canaanites. #2024

Glenn Greenwald commenting on Tucker Carlson’s first show which decried US perpetuating war in Ukraine: “At the end of the day, nothing serves the establishment’s interests more than keeping everybody focused on the culture war. Because when you’re focusing on the culture war—I’m not saying it’s unimportant—it means you’re not focused on how financial power, how corporate power, how intelligence and military agencies continue to dominate Washington. It only focuses on things like, you know, the trans issue to the exclusion of pretty much everything else. That’s a very good way to like kind of rile people up and make them think they’re doing something radical. But in reality, staying away from establishment powers.”

Bingo. Christian belligerators have spent forty years fighting the immorality and bloodshed outside the church while that immorality and bloodshed grew under those same men’s watch inside the church. The enemy was and is always “out there.” #goodshepherd

Don’t approve abuse of “like” today? Here’s a good defense. Still, note her statement, “the focus has moved from strict reportage of the events themselves to our processing of these events.” Do You Say 'Like' Too Much? Don't Worry! I'm a Sociolinguist, and I Like 'Like.' | Entrepreneur

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Forest fires are nature’s way. We used to fight them, which only made things worse. In the long run.

Think of fires purifying forest as Holy Spirit reforming Church. We want to suppress both, which only makes things worse. God’s wildfire came down at Pentecost. #goodshepherd

Gay pride? No and never. “Of such were some of you” is no compliment. It’s confession of God’s grace reaching down to most shameful sinners, redeeming us by Christ’s blood, cleaning us by work of Holy Spirit.

Don’t be afraid. Confess your faith. In God’s law. In God’s mercy.


Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. -1Corinthians 6


Restore first things to Church’s faith & witness. Adam/Eve made in Image of God. Adam created first, then Eve. God commanded Adam/Eve to have dominion over earth & be fruitful & multiply. God named race “Adam.” Adam named Eve. In Adam alone all fall—not Adam/Eve. #whatisman

Progressives are regressive. Always leading backwards and downwards. Back to filth of Canaanites and down to fires of Hell. Soros said to pass reins of progressive philanthropy empire to 'more political' son | The Times of Israel

Juneteenth in Pres Obama’s Chicago. Been this way for decades. Blacks run the city. Century ago, same thing among Scots in Blue Ridge Mountains. But Scots got a Presby preacher named Bob Childress. “Man Who Moved a Mountain.” Chicago has no black preacher Willowbrook, Illinois, Shooting: 23 Shot, 1 Fatally, at Juneteenth Celebration - The New York Times

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Good to see trust of Al Mohler is waning. Are u an Al fan? Read “Grace of Shame” where we document Al’s longtime compromises w/LGBT ideology. Read the footnotes. Al’s adrift. Don’t trust him.

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