Bayly's daily

Scripture warns one side of conflict sounds right until you hear other side. Glen Greenwald has zeal to give other side a listen. Here he does fascinating interview with Russia’s Aleksandr Dugin, maybe best explained as Putin’s Steve Bannon. The View from Moscow: Key Russian Analyst Aleksandr Dugin on Trump, Ukraine, Russia, and Globalism | SYSTEM UPDATE #414

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Excellent debate/discussion dealing w/central issues related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Both sides present good and helpful points Glenn From Moscow: Russia Reacts to Trump; Michael Tracey Debates Ukraine War | SYSTEM UPDATE #413

BoT is not selling Calvin’s sermons at those exuberant prices. That’s after market. They are no doubt reprinting a batch of the Genesis 1-11 sermons right now, though it has been out of stock for quite a while now (I’ve been keeping an eye for a few years now). A batch of the Genesis 11-20 sermons was reprinted sometime last year and sold like hot cakes. Now the Job set is out of stock…

It’s a good problem to have.

You’re right about the e-books. It’s odd that they do not offer the Genesis sermons as e-books. They do for other sermon sets: Job and Pastorals.


EDIT: I do think it is ridiculous to see how high Christians are willing to put prices on Christian books. I’ve seen it done time and again in Christian bookswap Facebook groups. I’ve even seen where men will sell books at normal price that they more than likely just got on a clearance sale (I’m talking buying a book for less than $3 and selling it for $20-30). The titles and the timing were too identical to be coincidence. And I know this because titles I bought on clearance showed up at full price on these groups.
I understand supply/demand, but Christian love ought to be costly to us sometimes… and what’s a few dollars anyway? Pennies


Thanks for the correction. I’lll change my post accordingly. On Banner’s website, this volume is only $40.

On the other hand, I’ve gone around with these men on their opposition to providing etexts, and have thrown my hands up in dismay at their refusal to provide them. I just noticed they now finally have an etext section for some things, but it’s many years later. So now I have to shoot pages with my iPhone and yank the text in order to use them in classes with students or sermons with the sheep. So parsimonious.


Thanks for the correction. On Banner’s website, this volume is only $40. On the other hand, I’ve gone around with these men on their opposition to providing etexts, and have thrown my hands up in dismay at their refusal to provide them. I just noticed they now finally have an etext section for some things, but it’s many years later. So now I have to shoot pages with my iPhone and yank the text in order to use them in classes with students or sermons with the sheep. So parsimonious.

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Usually crazy multi-hundred prices is a place holder for vendors when something is out of print.


By the way, thank you for making Man and Woman in Christ for free (not to mention on a well-designed website).

I bought the nice hardback, but this is so convenient. And did I mention free?


“ForWheaton” is seeking reform of Wheaton College, but they’re not clad for war. They’re trying to reform tenderly. Kindly. Reasonably. Do they have any idea how deep the cesspool is?

I think not: You searched for wheaton - Warhorn Media

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What sort of religion does Wheaton College sell to children after their parents send them off to the school for safekeeping of their souls? Search Results | BaylyBlog

So very sad, but once again ESV’s moneygrubbers refused to allow God’s Word to speak. No, they will not allow God to warn His people against “worldly fables fit only for old women.” Wayne Grudem and Lane Dennis are sure God was wrong to speak this way

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Nothing was so helpful to my feeding the flock Sunday mornings as giving less and less attention to the contemporary commentaries that drive that whole ETS, publisher, seminary juggernaut, but more and more to the sermons and commentaries of long-dead fathers in the faith. The nice thing is they’re all freely available online.

Pastors, give up the rat race you’re in, burnishing your image and reputation. Humble yourself and spend your time and prayers and reading preparing to feed your flock. Don’t impress them with your inane citations of this and that famous scribe. This is simply to flatter your sheep—something any hireling can and will do.

The one thing no one but their shepherd can do is guard and warn his own sheep. This is his calling from the Good Shepherd, and what he will one day give an account for.

Dear brothers, have faith to forget your quotes, look up from your manuscript, focus on the sheep there in front of you gathered hungry with their mouths open, and feed them. With only God and them as your audience.

Oh yeah, also your goodwife.

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After worship this morning, I said to Pastor Andy Halsey that his was a redemptive-historical sermon I approved of. I hope I can link to it soon. So very helpful.

When I’m able to post the link, feed on this sermon.


Driving an hour and 15 minutes to worship this morning, we passed a number of churches with less than ten cars. What happened?

Fighting happened.

Strike the shepherd and the sheep scatter.

If he’s godly, defend your shepherd. It’s fundamental to church growth. #goodshepherd

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Listening to Apple Music feed just now, for some reason Tim Cook thought I was the sort of man who’d enjoy “Lonely” by dsylm.

Here is the character of modern man. His love songs are public displays of his pathetic attempts to make it through the birth canal. Do women really want such a man to be the father of their children?

God has given the kildeer a wonderful way of defending her young ones in the nest. She fakes a broken wing.

But to modern men, parading weakness is their chief weapon of aggression. The man best at wielding his weakness is winner-take-all.

Then along come VPVance & PresTrump!

Please do. I’d love to hear this sermon.

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Never followed Berkshire Hathaway/Warren Buffett. Super rich. Got it.

But this AM son Taylor sent me Buffett’s 2025 letter to shareholders & it blew my mind. Read 1st section titled “mistakes,” but all thru letter is displayed leadership church hungers for

SecRubio announces 83% of USAid programs defunded. Good. Among programs defunded r behemoth Christian charities like WorldVision. Good. Libmedia howling result will be spread of “disease.” Nope. USAid programs spread American moral filth & disease around the world. Stopped.

As you listen to PresTrump declare there are only two sexes recognized by US now—male and female—remember PCA’s incapacity to discipline gay Revoice, and also all those 350 pages written by Covenant Theol. Seminary/Missouri Presbytery in defense of it.

Saltless. Lightless.


Wondering if Al Mohler and Association of Certified Biblical Counselors have filed amicus briefs supporting Colorado’s ban? You do remember Mohler and ACBC have announced their condemnation of reparative therapy, don’t you? Read “The Grace of Shame.”