Bayly's daily

Wheaton College alumni, parents, grandparents, etc., sign on to this call for Wheaton’s reform:

I know this quip is a bit dated, but, “I went to a fight last evening and a hockey game broke out”. (Rodney Dangerfield, attrib.)


Excellent. Read it for yourself. For your children. For your flock. For your state and nation…

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The condition of Evangelical worship and preaching today proves we must abandon the legacy seminaries. What is the solution?

We need to return pastors’ training to the local church.

Princeton Seminary began in 1727 as Pastor William Tennent’s mocked and despised “Log College.”

Does this interest you? New Geneva Academy has many grads in ministry. Get in touch with us and we’ll help you found your own pastoral training in your own congregation.


@daveramsey is right. Done weddings where couple wanted to light unity candle, then not blow out their two candles. Two become one—not three.

Be all in w/your marriage. It’s the whole romance of the thing. Should Married Couples Split Expenses? Dave Ramsey Says No: 'You're Married, Not Roommates'


The gulf between US and Germany is even larger than VPVance said in his speech. Germany’s so-called “democracy” is not.

A state in which the police control citizens’ speech by lethal force is never democratic JD Vance Rips Insane '60 Minutes' Segment Promoting "Orwellian" Speech Police In Germany | ZeroHedge


Podcast with Andrew Henry, Juergen Von Hagen, and Tim Bayly; Vice President Vance and the EU VP Vance's Speech in Germany - Warhorn Media

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“For Wheaton” complains abt “institutional drift,” but doesn’t call for firing profs promoting abortion nor profs promoting neutered Bibles nor firing Trustees/PresRyken for slander of former PresBuswell as “racist.”

Real reform makes enemies.

PresTrump is showing Protestant church officers what reforming leadership looks like.

We pastors and elders have abandoned it for a century, now. Our fathers were embarrassed by fighting Fundamentalists unflinchingly defending the faith once delivered, so they founded “the New Evangelicals.” Now 100 years later, look at the condition of the Church today. “Children oppress us and women rule over us.”

John Frame complained about “Machen’s children” but it was inane.

There are none.

We only have pastors/elders spitting at each other over apologetics and eschatology while defending ourselves from rightly furious women online exposing our covering up the sex abuse of children in our churches.

Church officers should take a good look at PresTrump, VPVance, Elon Musk. Bring back reformers of the Church.

Church reformed, always reforming.


Speaking of “climate change,” our naughty earth is currently blowing as much methane out of Ethiopia’s volcano, Mt. Fentale, p/day as 6,200,000 cows.

Can’t Caltech/MIT figure a way to put a plug in it? Come on, guys. Do your part! This Ethiopian Volcano Just Burped a Staggering Amount of Methane


Toward reforming mainline PC(USA) back in 80s, we moved HQ frm NYC to Louisville, then our John Knox Presbytery HQ from Madison to Richland Center. Never heard of Louisville or Richland Center?

The point.

Big yes to FBI transfers.

Yup, Daddy’s home and sister ain’t happy. On this one, Daddy is righteous.

Having marriage problems? Want something really helpful?

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Husbands and wives must have faith for disagreements. Arguments are a recommitment ceremony. Your wife is your helpmate, so let her be helpful by disagreeing with you. “Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger” (Ephesians 4:26).

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There’s hope. In Christ, brains/minds are renewable:

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2).


Nice strategy

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Letter protesting doctrinal rot @ Wheaton now has 1,800 signatures. Look for next issue “Wheaton” alumni mag to wheedle/cajole.

Until present trustees r removed & new trustees appointed who r willing to fire admin/profs, nothing will change. Fire purifies

Sad thing abt Wheaton protest is everyone’s complete silence abt Wheaton’s trustees/prez slander of President Buswell. Their wicked lie that Buswell was racist didn’t rile up Wheaton’s students/alumni, but rather…

The PCUSA moved into a stately old brick building that used to be part of the Belknap Hardware+Manuf complex. Belknap was a competitor to Sears+Roebuck before going out of business. We got a new street named after John Witherspoon.

I suppose Louisvillians should be grateful?