Bayly's daily

Brothers and sisters of Shin Ju Reformed Church (Pastor Fang) joined us of KB Church for worship and lunch today. Pastor Linton preached Eph 1:13-14. Got to meet and talk with two Korean presbyterian pastors and their wives recently forced to come to Taiwan after China expelled them following decades serving Uyghurs. #oneinChrist

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Apostle Paul asked believers to pray his preaching would be characterized by “boldness” (Eph 6:19). Think abt that. Think more abt that. Ask your flock to pray for your preaching to be characterized by boldness. #goodshepherd

Tell you the truth, don’t think there’s been a better contemporary worship song written in past twenty years. Not one. Spotify

You brothers pushing Christian nationalism, this man heads his Christian nation’s Anglican Church. Remember that. You can’t even get your states to stop abortion, yet you puff out your chests yacking at impressionable and credulous young men that YOU are Christian NATIONALISTS.



There are those who fear God and those who don’t. Pastors need to learn to recognize the two and focus their efforts on the first. “Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell of what He has done for my soul” (Psalm 66:16). #goodshepherd

Can we pls have just one sculpture memorializing just one of the billions of babies our civil authorities have murdered through abortion? Pls. Just one? #abortionISmurder


Lewis is quoting Shakespeare’s “Troilus and Cressida” here:

“’Tis mad idolatry to make the service greater than the god.”

Reformers’ central principle as they reformed medieval worship was to enforce a disciplined simplicity of music and liturgy and the sacraments and preaching—then relegating the sacraments to a subordinate position under preaching. They allowed worship with preaching and without the sacraments, but never the sacraments without preaching. #goodshepherd

The country pastor: all that glitters is not regenerated The kindness of the Lord: the county supervisor (19) - Warhorn Media

Audio of “Kindness of the Lord: our county supervisor” Warhorn Blog Posts | The kindness of the Lord: our county supervisor (19)

In a modern context, for “sacraments” I would also read: “music”. Or perhaps more accurately, “sung worship”.

To explain. I have done two tours of duty in Vineyard churches, and neither had a particularly good culture with respect to preaching. The movement as a whole has always had a focus on sung worship, and that is hardly wrong, but in these instances it meant that the preaching of the Word actually suffered, mostly by being dumbed down. Not a good situation at all.

Started publishing on Substack, too. Been ready to do it for a year or two, so now read and listen to posts either on Warhorn or Substack.

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What city would want to host it? Do they notify FEMA?

Natural Disaster Expo
March 6-7, 2024
Miami, FL

Some guys have gotten woke by Covid mask policies and have started yapping this year abt bathtub over bathroom and congregation over presbytery to demonstrate they’ve decided that most local is always most best. This political philosophy has long been called “subsidiarity,” and it antedated Covid by centuries.

But it’s not a hammer to use on every nail. Here’s a good short piece showing the limits of subsidiarity. We must keep these limits in mind if we’re to pursue a public square clothed by God’s law and truth. #nationwhoseGodistheLord

When I began to pastor, Dad said, “Visit your people. A home-visiting pastor makes a church-going people. And when you visit, before you leave, always ask God to bless their home. Likely it’s the only time anyone has prayed God’s blessing on their home.” So I did #goodshepherd

Singing with Lintons last night after dinner, they with hymnals and I with Got to second verse and things went bust. From their hymnals, Mary Lee and the Lintons sang:

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

From my smartphone on Hymnary, I sang:

Be thou my wisdom, be thou my true word;
I ever with thee, and thou with me, Lord.
Born of thy love, thy child may I be,
thou in me dwelling and I one with thee.

I’m done with Hymnary. Dutch Calvinists are determined to androgynate everything they touch. Who pays to support them?

From Hymnary’s home page:

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Audio and written text of post here:

So wife tells me some manosphere guy yapping w/some canadian saying porn’s fine if it helps u have sex w/wife. Responded, “Of course. He has no fear of God.” All u young dudes loving getting ur manhood from pagans, suck it up. You’ll become just like them. #sickweakgodlessmen

The offending version of the hymn is from the “Voices Together Hymnal,” produced in 2020 in conjunction with the Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada, which are apostate denominations, especially in the area of human sexuality. However, Hymnary’s display of the neutered version of the hymn appears to be algorithmically rather than consciously nefarious: having pulled up a few other hymns, the displayed text seems to always reflect the version of the hymn from the latest hymn-book the site has on record. Of course, one might demand to know why Hymnary included the Mennonites’ gay hymn-book in its database; however, it’s noteworthy that the “representative texts” tab contains several dozen older versions of “Be Thou My Vision” without this petulant change in wording.

I say “petulant,” by the way, because it’s obvious that the motive of this particular group of Mennonites is to kick against the goads of God’s design for sexuality (and in doing so, the language-policing editors always come up with the most laughably awkward substitutions for the original text, as if they’re rebelling against lyrical beauty as well – petulant, thus talentless, joyless, etc.). However, there are (for lack of a better term) “gender-neutral” versions of this hymn which seem to come from better motives, viz., the desire for each verse of corporate hymnody to apply in full truth to everyone who sings it to God, and which are lyrically superior to the Mennonite dreck. For example:

Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true Word;
I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord;
thou my soul’s shelter, and thou my high tower;
raise thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

If I were a woman (I speak as a madman), I think I would prefer this altered version of the text to the traditional texts for corporate worship; it would feel more honest to sing before my Creator, especially since the original line is written in so personal and intimate a context, as opposed to the more general or corporate usage in which the masculine pronoun and example is the meet default (“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked…”). Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any Psalms that a woman couldn’t sing in the same fully honest way (notwithstanding that many of them refer to literal events in David’s very masculine life).

Recall also that the original Irish version of this hymn was written in a time when Roman Catholicism was rapidly ascendant and, if I’m not mistaken, women were barred from corporate singing entirely. The Reformers corrected this abuse, but it had sadly been the norm for some 1,000 years before they did. Hence, changing this hymn for the corporate setting could conceivably reflect the continuing work of Reformation, if done for motives of godly, legitimate inclusion, viz. of women in our worship.

Thanks for the opportunity to think about this, brother. Hope I don’t come off as a feminist :slight_smile:

You don’t come off as one. Couple comments. Hymnary is under the corporate sponsorship of Calvin College/Seminary/CCEL/Calvin Institute on Christian Worship, etc. now, so there is internal logic and consistency to their promotion of neutered lyrics through the label “representative.” Those of us opposing Calvin’s doctrinal heresies focussed on sexuality for decades now would be shocked if their representative texts weren’t neutered.

Concerning the history of the hymn, as far as I could tell yesterday, this verse isn’t original. But neutering and the rejection of the male inclusive is not the correction of any “abuse.” It is the creation and promotion of one, which is the denial of Adam’s federal headship writ large across Scripture and history through God’s naming the race “adam,” for starters, then the combined male and femals members of the Church “adelphoi,” and on it goes all across Scripture thousands of times. Love,

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Christians shouldn’t speak of “gender,” but “sex.” Gender is not sex. Gender is a social construct. Plastic. Sex is assigned by God. At conception. “Sex” directs attention to body parts. “Gender-affirming” is media’s crass lie. #sexnotgender

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