Bayly's daily

Soon after moving into the parish manse next door to First Presbyterian, I was playing with the kids in the yard when a baby blue Camaro pulled into the driveway. There was a young blonde in the passenger seat, a scruffy dude behind the wheel, and a pair of large velvet dice hanging from the rearview mirror. They stopped near me and the passenger window went down

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We used to have personnel departments in companies. What would the alternative be? The department of man?


This conversation brings to mind the scan of the author’s favorite resume from What Color is Your Parachute?. It’s also one of my favorites. In addition to being clear and effective, it repudiates so much about modern corporate culture and behavior. I wonder if the publisher still lets the example be included in recent editions.

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Thanks - your comments have shed some light on the matter for me.

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Dear Fr. Bill,

This is my profile pic on Gab. Taken when Mary Lee and I were vacationing in Cape May. Wish you and Barbara had been with us. Growing up in Philly, Cape May has always been close to my heart. Love, PS: Did you miss the boat’s name?

When I need “every two weeks,” I go with “semi weekly.”

Did you marry them? Is this a cliffhanger for the next part? I’m really hoping the best for those kids.

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Elders who warn children of church against sodomy are haters. Older women who warn mothers against choosing job over children are homebodies; well-meaning but limited. Pastors who warn men against effeminacy and soft clothing have a critical spirit. #sleepersawake

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Where there is danger, warnings are appreciated. Where there is no danger, warnings are ridiculed.

Where there is no fear of God, there is no danger.



This means twice a week.

Audio of “The Kindness of Lord (13): a pastor’s life” Warhorn Blog Posts | The kindness of the Lord: a pastor's life (13)

Now this is funny: Merriam-Webster: “Yes, ‘biweekly’ can mean both ‘every two weeks’ and ‘twice a week.’ No, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

So if we want to say every two weeks clearly, the word is “fortnightly.” Aaargh!


LOL. That was what I meant.

Libs preen, pose, cow, hector, bully, harangue, cancel, mock, and ridicule, but never laugh. Laughter is a grace reserved for the humble. An anti-woke nightmare! Why the Fawlty Towers remake is a truly nauseating idea | Television | The Guardian

Yes - the thing that marks out ideologues of any persuasion - right-wingers, conservatives, and Christians included! - is that they are people who have completely lost their sense of humour, assuming they had one to start with.

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Audio No. 8 of “Abortion and the Church” Unborn children r distinguished by specific physical characteristics, being housed & protected w/in their mothers’ wombs. We must make it a habit to speak of intentional destruction of unborn children as “genocide.” Abortion and the Church | Audio 8: Abortion and the Church; Chapter 1 (Bloodshed of 20th century); Section 6 (Conclusion: Genocide)

Tim, that’s a great picture – was it taken after your time with us? Also I noticed your memoir-in-the-making on the pastorate (“The Kindness of the Lord”) thank you for writing.


Phil Henry


Church of England (Anglicans) just voted to bless gay marriages and have now turned to debating the neutering of their God-language.

The nations rage. Rise up, O God!


Oh wait! You’re talking about the Cape May pic above. Sorry, and yes! It was one of the most delightful vacations Mary Lee and I have had, travelling down after your church’s tenth anniversary celebration to Cape May where we stayed for several days. Good food. Good birding. Sound of the water. Sunsets. Good eye, brother.

Dear Phil, actually, the pic I’m using on the “Kindness of God” posts I found online.
But here’s a pic I took in 2017, three years before we were your guests at Mercy Hill PCA in 2020. Not sure the PC(USA) is usiing the building any more, but if they are, it’s likely five to ten souls present. Love,

In connection with the Church of England’s embracing of heresies, I couldn’t help thinking of Stott and Packer’s utter betrayal of souls by endlessly serving as the poster-boys of high Anglicanism, promoting the CoE.

Lloyd-Jones’s finest moment was calling them out. One of many of their worst moments was dissing Lloyd-Jones for doing so. (You can read Murray’s pained account of the matter in his bio of Lloyd-Jones.)

Stott wrote some helpful stuff and Packer a few superlative things (Knowing God, Fundamentalism and the Word of God, historical intro to Owen’s Death of Death), but what awful leaders they were! And yet it is precisely their leadership that foolish Evangelicals celebrated. What was common between Evangelical muckety-mucks and such Anglican luminaries was a desperate attachment to status and social class as well as molly-coddling error.

Still occasionally have to listen to women and men speak in hushed and reverent tones about Stott the same way they do about Keller. I try to stifle myself. Most recently, I was successful.

When will we learn the difference between building our kingdoms and building the Kingdom of God?


… What was common between Evangelical muckety-mucks and such Anglican luminaries was a desperate attachment to status and social class as well as molly-coddling error.

And for ‘Anglican luminaries’, one can now add, ‘PCA luminaries’. I know that we all want to be ‘successful’ in our ministries but we should be really careful what we wish for …